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Sk I'm not, I've suckered myself into a lot of ongoing projects and trying to super clean my house at the same time. My yarn is already glaring at me as I type.
Pick me up lady! Get me done already!

risurocket Same goes for me. My hooks and yarn are threatening to mutiny with my chicks. It could get ugly. The magic yarn ball sounds intriguing though, maybe next time.

Me also I was very Interested. Then I did n't know it was going to be so compalcated ??? I do more than enough surveys at work. I might later maybe if it is a theme type thing. You know like colored eggs for easter


Agree!! I was tinking like Skand, a ball of yarn and some trinkets, lol!!

Maw or Chel..please copy my most recent sign up list (post 4873) and post on page one!! Thank you!!!​
wuhoo! 6 new hens !!! Right now even! lemme remember what breed and I'll let ya know!! Gotta go check em out!! Yayy and they are already laying!! even better then a new chick!! hehehehe

ETA<<>>> Buff Rocks!! 6 hens, 1 Rooster!! he's BIG BOY!!!
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okay fine then! I will recount my birds tomarrow. Can I borrow some fingers, toes, and strands of hair so I can get an accurate count?
Or I could just start naming them off... popcorn, 'yssahen, stoogie, handheld, crowboy, goldie, fuzzy foot, holly, belle,mijo,blanca, rojo, uno,dos, buck,doe,boy,girl,ho,ho,ho,sunshine, snowflake,pumpkin, punkin, bryan,floppy,b.r.girl, capn blackbeard,capn whitebeard, big bird,hawk, big red boy, lil red, riding hood, treela, pongo, perdita, sunset, and then the quail (50) the RIR chicks (40), the black astrolorps (40) the bantams (30) the game chicks (45) then the ones that hatched the other day, mixes (30)
That's almost all of them.. lol OH! Bloo and Cheez!!
hey I just would have started in the pantry and named them after the food stuff and went on the the fridge and freezer. I mean I had 2 ducks named butter and cracker we still have peanut. and have 1 cat and her 2 kittens cat is cookie and kittens are fudge and oreo so hey what can I say
: gig

when I was growing up we used to name all of our animals after food too. Then my sister was born and somehow that all changed. *shrug* right now I don't have any animals named after food. I think I better change that.

We have Shag (Lady Chifon de Niji Shagworth (cat) ), Fooston (Lord Fooston Linguini Spelunker (Shag's brother) ), Rocky the Hamster, and Sisu, Stella and Snowflake the Rat Pack Girls. (these are all the house residents).

For chickens we have: Grizzly MacFuzzybutt, Tigger (his current girlfriend), Miss Perp (newly named RIR), Lola (RIR), Tube Fuzzy (thanks Karan, you named that one), Ellie, and Chica, Cyclops, Molty and Fluffy. (and about 40 other ones who have not earned names yet.)

Good night all! I am exhausted from playing Chick Police all day.
Ok, so I have to agree with your hubby....your nuts
but, if it works why not. Me i'm a hookin sitter like Ris.

Sk I'm not, I've suckered myself into a lot of ongoing projects and trying to super clean my house at the same time. My yarn is already glaring at me as I type.
Pick me up lady! Get me done already!

risurocket Same goes for me. My hooks and yarn are threatening to mutiny with my chicks. It could get ugly. The magic yarn ball sounds intriguing though, maybe next time.

Me also I was very Interested. Then I did n't know it was going to be so compalcated ??? I do more than enough surveys at work. I might later maybe if it is a theme type thing. You know like colored eggs for easter


Agree!! I was tinking like Skand, a ball of yarn and some trinkets, lol!!​

Not hurting feelings, but I agree with all from the past.

Skand, congrats on your new babies!!
Thanks no chicks. I still havent gotten to see the new big ones yet. And before I can see them in the morning, we have to figure out a pen for them before we let them out, have them in a roost sorta thing for them to sleep in safely.
uhoh,.. I have to pick out 7 new names. lol
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