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We woke to 1 above & 16 below with wind chill!! They said tomorrow we are to wake to 10 below!
Thats without wind chill & if it does, it wil be the coldest morning in 2 years!!

Don't worry LC, I haven't started mine either.

Cute purse Queen!

Well today I plan to get some stuff put away. About noon or so have to head to town, hubby has to have some tests done before surgery next week. Maybe work on daughters baby afghan this evening.... now that I have the plan, just have to put it in place, lol!
Very Cute purse Your Majesty, I think any little girl would like that, heck even some of the big girls would too, I bet!

I was online yesterday to our local Library and ordered some books to borrow with some Crochet designs in it. SO hopefully I will get some ideas for the squares for the swap.
No chicks, I have a friend that had to have her right pinky toe taken off because of her diabetes and a blood clot. Everything will be fine. Just tell him that it's okay if he's walking straight and starts going a little off course. It's a normal thing. And the balance issue will work itself out. My prayers for a quick healing.

Risu... Ive told ya I dun know how many times, come down here!!! It's chilly, but we'll get up to a warm 56 today. lol Our biggest thing is that darned north wind!
You're welcome to bring them here, but you'll have to come with them. I don't know nuthin' bout keepin' no chicks!

Oh lord! I meant to say *me* and my chickens.
I wasn't quite awake this morning and I was in a hurry. My roo is quickly getting me into the "Feed us early in the morning" routine. So I am up an hour earlier than I usually have to get up for getting Hannah ready for school.

Nice purse Your Majesty!

Sk, I will have to become the Nomadic Chicken Lady. I have a lot of offers for migrating down south.
Good luck with your nap. If your church has pews instead of chairs, they can come in handy for that kind of thing!

Good Luck Fr. Chuck with the ideas. My hooks are still on strike. *sigh* I am not sure what they are demanding...hooks aren't very communicative, but maybe they want more hours....
thanks everyone!! its one of those blah days! got my mean roo going to a new home tonight...trying to find a home for 2 of our dogs and impacking...still havent found a place yet but at least im packing...grrrrs i HATE moving!!!
Morning everyone. We (me and my son) just woke up. Been getting into a bad habit of sleeping late and staying up late at night. Going to suck when I have to go back to work Sat. at 5am. I have always done more work late at night. Wish they would let us deliver the mail at night. I would never go into work half asleep.
I got at least 10 squares done for my cousins babyghan that I have been slaving over trying to get it out of the way so I can start on my swap squares.
Guess I will go get breakfast going now. Everyone have a good day and stay warm.
awww no chicks sorry your hubby has to have his toe amputated, but you're right, it is better than his whole foot or leg

I didn't attempt the chick last night for the second time last night. Just too tired. I hope to try it tonight. I can't crochet with the kids around. I'm already one of those wound tight crocheters, and if I attempt to crochet while the kids are around, whatever I'm working on end up looking like a picasso.

Like the purse Scoot!!
Praying that you find the place that's suited for you, and that you are able to have peace in the meantime.

edited for spelling
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Newchicks, hope the little banty is doing ok.

No Chicks, sorry about DH's toe! As was said, at least its not his leg...

QS - good luck and moving sucks. I really hope our next move will be our last.(so far moving's not in the future for us at the moment)
thanks Rocket...i agree moving does suck...all the packing and unpacking and then getting used to where ya have put every thing.....just thinking about it makes me
LOL oh well of to rustle me up some grub..
I learned from the last few times we've moved: Even if I write on the box, it never is what I said was inside. Jim is NEVER allowed to decide what gets in what box, nor is he allowed to decide what stays goes or hits the trash. He is NOT allowed to pack a box, he is ONLY allowed to move the boxes that I've closed into the moving vehicle. The girls are NOT allowed to help either. And by golly, when I say that box is fragile, if you even tilt it, YOUR DEAD!!!
Oh and also, thanks to my ex mil.... I PACK THE KITCHEN STUFF! Crazy coot of a lady, putting my glass candle holders in a box of canned goods. GRRR
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