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Se, count me out on the spring swap. I have too much on my plate and not enough time to finish it all.

As it is I may have to get a second job to cover my doctor bills, DD1's doctor bills, and DD2's braces!!!

Not to mention chicken feed for hens that haven't started laying again even though they look fully receovered from their molt.
And pullets that seem to have no interest in laying at all
Gapple that is exciting to hear about yer roos. well ladies I have heard from my last person and I will start the boxes out on their way this friday so sometime next week or so you should be having squares arrive at your doors.

Again any that were in the fall swap that missed the deadline please understand that we did try to pm and email mail you several times, you still have a 2 days to get them in the mail and pm or email me to let me know they are on their way, Otherwise please hold on to them and you can use them for the spring swap as I know this time of the year proves to be quite busy for us even when we don't think it will be. Again thank you to everybody who participated in the fall swap and made it so much fun.

well ladies I made hats last night for me and the girls, well for me and one of the girls as the first attempt on the kids size was too small for either of them, found out today my 3 yr old has a huge funky shaped head. LOL poor girl I am now on my 3rd attempt to make her a hat to fit her head.

well I am working on those pics still but I think I have just about got them all uploaded to my cell phone album and now have to download and upload to my photobucket so here in the next day or 2 I hope to have them up. well I must be off to get some stuff done I hope to hear from you all soon. Oh ps I like all colors, and love all things chicken. and enjoy smelly stuff(candles, potpori, etc...) just about anything you can think of. well must go run the pipsqueak out of the dryer to I will post ya'll later. Maw.
and now for your evening entertainment photos from my crazy farm! enjoy!!!! Maw.
starting with the refurbished coop.






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now here is our holiday pumpkin chicken.
haley made her for the 4-H pumpkin decorating contest, in which you could not cut or puncture the skin of the pumpkin in any manner, but you could paint, glue, tape, etc.... so spary glue and molteing chickens came in handy. add a little craft paint, and paper shredds and a box nest and wola you have a broody pumkhen!!!!

and here is my little house fairy that helps me around the farm, she crochets, and does laundry, and dishes, cleans house, but no windows or floors as she is so small. LOL!

Well thats it for now until tomorrow when I have better light and can get some pics of the hats I just finished. well later gaters Maw.
Great pics Maw!!! Love the Broody Hen Inn!!!

Congrats Amy on a smart move with the sewing quilting club!! Looks like a success already!!

Glad to see Ginger and Momma check in!!!

I brought the addresses home and I'll get all those out to you on friday when I'm off and have more time, surely you won't need them before then. Just have your Secret Santa mailed off by the 15th of December. Sounds like alot of folks are excited about it!!!

Sign-Ups are now Open!


Theme: "Anything Goes" Feel free to experiment and challenge your skills for this swap! Hexagons, Circles, Squares, Triangles, or "Other" crocheted shapes are all welcomed!! (No amigurumi in this swap.)

Color: Any! Mix it up or stay the same, up to you!

Size: 6" minimum - 12" maximum. Try to be consistent though, for example, all of your squares should be pretty near the same size, all of your circles should be pretty near the same size....

Pattern: Any! Feel free to mix up your patterns and make every square different or every hexagon different, or all the same, up to you!

Number: As many as there are participants in the swap.

Dates: Chat and gab and get to know one another in this thread. Post as often as you like! Official sign-up opens on February 1, 2009 and Closes on March 1, 2009. All items are due to me no later than May 1, 2009.

New folks are encouraged to visit with us here in this thread and post and get to know us! Chickens are not required, in fact several members of this group are not chicken owners! We are always happy to have new friends here in the crochet club! We'd love to have you join the fun, join the swap or any other projects that we have going on!!!!

When you have finished your Shapes, send me a pm and I'll send you my address so that you can mail in your work.

You will be required to send your crocheted shapes in individual ziplock bags with your username and real name on each bag. In addition, you will need to send $10.00 for Flat Rate return postage. Thanks so much!!!!!! Have fun!!!


Spring Swap Sign Up List:

1. Scrambled Egg - (Darlene) -Organizer
2. Mawchikkide - (Jessica)
3. RisuRocket - (Shanah)
4. CoffeeLady3 - (Dena)
5. NoChicksHere - (Susan)
6. KaranLeaf - (Karan)
7. Skand - (Stephanie)
8. Lutheran Chick - (Kay)
9. Head4dmtns - (Trish)
10. Queen Scoot - (Rosey)
11. Amy Quilt - (Amy)
12. Mangled - (Em)
13. TB1 - (Teri)
14. Purr - (Terry)
15. Elcunni - (Erin)
16. 1MommaHen - (Lynda)
17. EastTnChick - (Steph)
18. Ginger Chic - (Amy)
19. Greenapple - (Lisa)

I would love to join, but can't guarantee anything right now. I've had a job change and am manager of Hot Stuff, and the store at a local gas station. I get up by 5 am and am off to work until 3 pm or later. Don't feel like doing much after I get home from work. Let me think on it and if I get inspired I'll let you know. I had fun with it last spring, so let me think on it. Darlene let me know before the closing. I don't get online much anymore. Am shot when I get home.
SE, you make me feel really lazzzzzy! I missed your last post last night and now you've posted before I've even thought of getting out of bed! Does it matter if our swap squares are different yarns as long as they are the same size? I may even try some squares with a few colors today. Finally venturing outside the box! Have a great day all!
Morning all!!

I'm up much earlier than usual. Our autistic son decided to go to bed at 5pm yesterday, and of course, was up before the sun this am.
He used to not have any sleeping issues....we were so lucky....but in the last 2 months

I'm going to be glued to the puter today, as I am working on stocking our new store (see my siggy). It's been in the works for a few months, just waiting to get moved and settled before opening it. Good thing is I'm stuck on the puter for days at a time stocking, bad thing is no time to hook or sew.... Oh well, it'll pay off in the long run.
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