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OMG those little pink sweaters are too dang cute!

I gotta get one for my Ginja, she needs a cute sweater. I can see my hubby rolling his eyes at that, dressing the dog in pink!


I'm going to have to buckle and BUY a jacket/coat for the dog, one that will stay PUT and be snow and wind proof....
So how's Jack Frost doing today? lol
I was offered a qh mare with a super gentle disposition the other day. Told them, sorry, don't have any kind of big animal shelter to offer, they told me a weather blanket would work good enough. ACK! Sorry, I've never really been around horses on a constant basis, and even I know that isnt good enough. Sure wish I had $950 to take it though. That was the final offer they gave me, $950, with blanket and halter, so long as I let them use her later for breeding... is that even a good deal?

I would say too much, but its hard to judge, and with giving them breeding rights later - Hmmmmmmmmmm.

There are plenty of folks around who would give a horse to a good home, but you really need a barn or something for shelter. My horse shares her barn with the goat - but its really big, I think around 20x20 in fact the chickens go in there when there is snow out..
PUT that hippie to work!
So how's Jack Frost doing today? lol

Jack Frost! that's good!
Tell Hubby Ice is good

I seem to have some good hardy arctic chickens out there. Still getting more than a dozen eggs, and the coop is staying above zero! woo hoo! (not bragging, just kind of amazed with the weather we are having)

I was in that same train of thought on horse name I was thinking Frosty.
TB1 That Poor guy for being let get into such shape But Luckly for him Terri is a Horse Angel. ( And that's another thought on a name LUCKY) What an incredabily touching and wonderful person you are. I have worked with the Humane Society of Missouri and unforunatly there lots of poor critters out there that are not as Lucky as this boy was. The abanders knew where they were leaving this guy at sooo very very lucky for him.

People don't thank you folks that deadacate your lives to caring for these animals. It is a very stressful, demanding, exgausting, and heartfilled task. I THANK YOU. You Are a Hero in MY book

good luck with the horse, TB1!!! I second (third?) Frosty.

thanks for the patterns guys. I was at a craft store the other day and I found this really cute pattern for a doggie sweater but the rest of the book was all afghans and lace doilies and it was $35 so I decided to just try to find one online.
Well, thank you folks for the kind words.
It is exhausting and can be heartbreaking, but I do it for the animals.
SP thought it was a abandon thing. Someone knew about us or told someone about us and just decided to "deposit" him here thru the wee hours. Their checking the neighborhood to see if anyone saw anthing. No trailer tracks next to the lane so they must have unloaded him on the road and walked him from the trailer.

Ditto on the QH breeding thing. Im not saying a word on that one!

SE- THOSE DOGS are adorable!!!!!!
Horsecrazy I am sorry I did mean to tell you that we are glad you have joined up with our chatter, are ya signing up for the Spring swap??? Hope so they are such great fun amd the receiving of them at the end is wonderful..

SE your Doggies are soo sweet and look beautiful in their sweaters.

Well it got down to -7 last night with wind chill of -25 right now it's a wonderful 2 wooowhoo heat wave
it is supose to get colder for the next couple of days. Sure glad we put 2nd heat lamp over the chickens water, and the horses have a big bale in the barn lot. Dh just gave all our equine kids some grain just for an energy boost. boy they cleaned that up fast. Me I'm staying in side to do and some crochet. I ran out of the Bernat true yellow softee I was using I had bought all our Walmarts had. So yesterday in Jefferson City I called Hobby Lobby, JoAnns, Walmart and Kmart No Luck. We stoped at Moberly and Macon and tried both Walmarts no Luck. But did find RedHeart Yellow that is very close match in color Just not quite as soft as the Bernat. But at least I will get this Afghan done for Zoe. Geeesshh seems like this is taking me for ever.. Maybe it's just been too many interuptions. So off I go to the land of And Yarn

check in later
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If these ladies can't teach you how to crochet, nobody can! I got it down in about 3 weeks with the help of these hookers!

as Queen Scoot posted that's the favorite site. You Tube is pretty good too, if you can get the videos where the instructors' fingers don't get in the way.

Don't be afraid to ask questions!
Welcome horsecrazy!!!
, Kellie!!
TB1, congrats on your new find. Sure feel bad for the horse. Sounds like he will have a good home now though.

SE, beautiful afghan!
I made my oldest granddaughter a hooded, poncho a couple years ago out of that color. She has out grown it now, gramma will have to get busy & make another one...and one for her cousin. I'm sure little sister will get the "old" one. Pupps are adorable. We are getting a puppy in a couple weeks. The mother is half wienner dog & the dad was a pug. She is adorable, takes after the pug side so far.
Cute tree pattern Ris!
Afternoon, everyone! I wanted to post & say
to horsecrazy & kellie! We are all happy to have you here!

And, Teri, (rant warning)
I'm not much of a horse person (kinda scared of animals bigger than me) but it absolutely infuriates me that people treat their animals so poorly. It's inexcusable that someone would own an animal & not take care of it. They should have turned him over to someone who could take care of him 400 pounds ago!!! Bless you for taking care of those who can't take care of themselves!!
Okay, (deep breath) rant over. Sorry, I've been off my med for about a month, and get very emotional over things like this.

My silly cat, Vanilla, has decided that now would be a real good time to sit on my lap (which currently holds my laptop). He's a rescue cat, and for the past 8 years has treated me like his mommy. I think I've convinced him to sit beside me for a few minutes until I finish here...

SE, I'll be down toward your end of the state tonight. Dennis & I are delivering our church's Angel Tree gifts to the boys & girls club near North Myrtle. We are leaving from the church around 5, and coming back tomorrow. Long trip, short notice, and worth every minute. Thank God, we don't have the weather some of the others have! And looks like the rain is over (here at least) for a few days. Anyway, I'll have dh toot the horn when we see a sign for Fayetteville, and I'll wave at ya!

Cat's asleep now, with his chin resting on the computer. He can be so sweet - when he's sleeping!

See ya'll later!

ps - that "catnap lasted just long enough for me to walk to the fridge. He knows his treats are on top and never misses a chance to beg for one!
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