BYC Drawing Club(NEW!!!)

I have finished the tiger-horse.

When I hear "tiger-horse", this is what I see. Half tiger, half horse, and about the size of a pony. About.

I'm especially proud of his head.

you got the half tiger half horse thing down, but they are more, leaner than that, i see alot more tiger look in it, ya i see the hooves, but (dont kill me!) i dont see a lot of horse in it, i see more, tiger, and oh, the fangs are not like a saber tooth tiger :p
Speaking of tigers i drew this on paper today, then scanned it into the computer & painted over it in ms paint.. here's the product... (I EVEN MATCHED THE BACKGROUND TO THE POST COLOR
you got the half tiger half horse thing down, but they are more, leaner than that, i see alot more tiger look in it, ya i see the hooves, but (dont kill me!) i dont see a lot of horse in it, i see more, tiger, and oh, the fangs are not like a saber tooth tiger :p
That's what she sees MH, her version may have more tiger then horse in it.
I'm drawing the four horses of the Apocalypse on a big-ish, canvas to paint for my county fair this year.
The black horse is the only one you can see all of the body of, the other three are behind him, I decided to make him kinda Thoroughbred-ish. Behind him is the white horse, which I made an Arabian. Haven't gotten any of the others down yet, still gotta decide where to put them, sin ce the black horse fills most of the page.
I also must decide on a background, and then comes the painting part! Imma sketcher, so we'll see how painting goes, the thing that gets me the most is you can't erase...
I'm also starting another one on a much smaller canvas, it's a transitional painting, there's a tree in the center and half the canvas is like spring it's daytime green etc., the other half is at night, that side of the tree is dead the branches are crooked and the ground is covered with snow the mountains in the distance are snowy and steep, unlike the green hills on the other side of the canvas. I'm not sure exactly how that one is going to turn out, though...I'll go take a pic of the Apocalypse one.
i know, but i dont really see alot of horse, that is all.
Really it's just the eye of the beholder. When you and Diva think picture the word 'tiger horse', you see different versions. That's alright, when I think of tiger horse I see something different than either of you.
It is a little more to the tiger side, but since there are no real tiger horses for comparison, it simply depends on whatever picture is in your brain, and no one's brain is the same, thankfully.
That'd be so weird..O_O

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