BYC Drawing Club(NEW!!!)

Thank you
I'm almost done drawing Bilbo. I'll post it today, just a little bit later :)
Her name is Lithia.... bit of Romeo and Juliet story going with her and another in the game... She has a different name in the book. Here's another named Ferick.. did it for miss henny... I have another version of her I posted before.. will bump it.. [IMG][/IMG]
here it is

Zira stood over Kuzimu, The King, panting, her shoulders shaking with each breath. She couldn't believe what she'd done; she'd murdered her father! She bit back the tears that threatened to escape, and glared down at his body; "Well, Father, your training paid off. I am a killer, like you wanted me to be. Look what I've done... Look what YOU'VE done to ME!" she roared. She clenched her jaws and a low growl rumbled inside her. She had, indeed, avenged her mother, who she had loved dearly, and only lost a notch of her ear as a price to pay. She finished her small speech to the King's body; "I have avenged my mother. You have paid for what you did to her." and broke down crying. "What... what have I DONE?"

She turned to leave, her eyes murderous, her muzzle still dripping and red with her father's blood. She could hear the voices of the lionesses approaching, and she knew she would be killed if they found out what she had done. She picked up the pace, running as fast as she could. She reached the water hole and plunged in to cleanse herself of the blood which would be a dead giveaway if the lionesses caught up. She rinsed her muzzle, then attempted to paddle to shore, but quickly realized she was sinking.

Flailing about in the water, thrashing all her limbs in a futile attempt to swim, she just sealed her fate, as she sank faster, yet. Suddenly, a rust colored foreleg with cream colored toes extended from the land, reaching out like a lifeline to her. Zira didn't hesitate; not worrying about whether or not it was a lioness's paw or not, she grabbed on. The foreleg towed her upwards, bringing her further and further from her watery doom. Finally, she was pulled onto dry land, where she laid herself out and coughed, spitting water from her mouth. Then she looked at her savior with her gleaming red eyes.

He was a handsome young lion, with rich, rust colored fur, cream toes, underbelly, and under-legs, green and yellow eyes, and the beginning of a black mane. He had a Scar over one eye, his left eye, it was, and a bent muzzle. He looked down at her with an almost sympathetic look, and said, "Name's Scar." Zira coughed once more, then looked at him and mumbled, "Zira; thanks... f-for saving me, I mean."

Scar smiled. "Looks like you're hunted; what'd you do?" he said softly. "I... I killed my father." Zira said softly, worried he would be disgusted with her. The male lion's eyes grew wide, and he spoke again; "I-I killed my father, too..." Zira looked at him with surprise in her eyes. "Come with me, and I'll tell you the story." Scar said, leading her towards the Elephant GraveYard. Zira followed, her eyes locked on Scar.

Yes, I did trace this. I just felt like doing so. I intend on coloring this in, hopefully digitally, if I can find a program that works for me. In this story that I wrote along with the picture explains how Zira got her punctured ear, and what happened to her father. It also explains how she met Scar, and how their relationship was born. This only took thirty minutes to do, so it may be a little sloppy. Thanks for reading the story. Please let me know what you think! :D
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