Announcement BYC Learning Center Rating Project



BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
SHORT VERSION: We need each member to rate at least 5 Chicken Coop pages listed Here:

Once you've rated 5 articles, please reply to this thread letting us know!


BYC has a TON of amazing content submitted by our incredible community members. We want to make sure the best content is presented to new peeps embarking on this wonderful journey of raising Backyard Chickens.

So, to improve our user's experience we need your help! We are asking all of our members (and you visitors lurking that haven't joined yet... yeah YOU!!!) to submit ratings for the articles in our Learning Center

  1. Visit THIS PAGE:
  2. Click one of the links
  3. Read through the article
  4. Click a "Star Rating"
  5. Give the article a rating on how accurate, detailed, and helpful the information is.
We'd LOVE for you to submit a full text REVIEW with feedback on what you liked, suggestions on how the article could be better, etc., and if you want, you can submit reviews anonymously.

Our hope is that this will "bubble-up" the best articles, while giving feedback on articles that need some attention, correction, etc.

The goal is to have 5 reviews for each article!

Good luck team!!!

Oh... are you all done rating articles? Head on over and help with The Coop Page / Article Rating & Review Project!
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I was disoriented when I logged in an there was no coop project banner! :lol:

It was really helpful to me on the coop project to have the "general guidelines to a 5-star coop article".... What might be general guidelines to a 5-star article? Especially as I'm new to chickens and don't have the knowledge base to "fact check" a lot of stuff yet.
Haha, I conpletely agree. So far I've got: if it says exactly what the title identifies, and answers all my general questions then 4 stars. If they go above and beyond with that they get the 5th. If they provide any less information than I thought was deserved or encourage anything I feel is incorrect/unsafe then they lose a star for either (bringing down to two stars for lacking and poor information). Have yet to vote one star yet, so I'm not sure the criteria there.

Also, this is the learning center. You aren't supposed to be a professional reading these and critiquing, that's why Nifty asked for five of us on each. When a new person reads and votes on what they've learned, and a knowledgable person critiques the tiniest details, the balance that comes out will reflect an overall value of the article.
These are proving to be more difficult for me because I am not sure what to rate when I find one that's well written but has several things that aren't correct.
I am having the same problem.
I have only rated a couple and the one I rated could be good if it didn't have bad info in it so I rated it a 2 and left a review asking the OP to update the errors. :oops:

This is hard.

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