BYC Member Interview - Brahma Chicken5000



Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Premium Feather Member
Jun 28, 2011
Aryeh, known to BYC members as Brahma Chicken5000, has been a member of our community since September, 2017. Another of our wonderful all rounders, he's known for his friendliness and good advice.

1. Tell us a bit more about yourself.

My name is Aryeh, I’m Jewish, 19 years old, and I start college this September. I like to go fishing and dabble in landscaping.

2. Why and when did you start keeping chickens?

I started keeping chickens the summer of 2015. The reason my family got chickens is because my mother’s friend has chickens and I fell in love with them when I saw them. My chickens are pets with the benefit of fresh eggs. Once I have my own property I would like to try my hand at raising some cockerels for meat.

3. Which aspect(s) of chicken keeping do you enjoy the most?

That’s a tough question. I love the whole experience of having chickens, but I do enjoy interacting with them the most.

4. Which members of your flock, past and present, stand out for you and why?

All of them! My all time favorite hen from my first flock was Rita a Light Brahma. She would wait by the back door for someone to open it so that she could dash inside and look for treats.


One of my other all time favorite chickens was Eleanor, a Cornish cross pullet that I rescued from slaughter. She was the sweetest chicken, she loved to free range with the other girls. She lived in my flock for 8 months before she passed in her sleep one night.


My favorite chicken in my new flock is Wendy an Easter Egger hen. She reminds me so much of Rita with her personality and her antics.


5. What was the funniest (chicken related) thing(s) that happened to you in your years as chicken owner?

The funniest chicken related moment is hands down the time I came home with my mom from the store and my five two week old Light Brahma chicks were all snuggled together on the carpet looking totally innocent even though they escaped their brooder and pooped all over the carpet.

6. Beside chickens, what other pets do you keep?

I have kept all kinds of pets in the past but since I have gotten my chickens I have had to thin out my menagerie of pets...a lot. I have a guinea pig named Bandot.

7. Anything you'd like to add?

My chickens are therapy chickens. I am prone to anxiety and panic attacks, aside from the medication I take to keep my anxiety down working with my chickens everyday really helps me to be relaxed.

In my flock I currently have 2 Black Ameraucana pullets, an Easter Egger hen, a Frizzle or Sizzle bantam hen, & a Sebright Old English Game mix pullet.





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Hi Aryeh. Nice to see a bit of the person behind the name! It's great you use the hens for therapy. I find them so relaxing and funny. Great interview! :thumbsup
Thank you
Howdy Aryeh, nice to know a little more about a name I see frequently. I think all birds in general are an excellent form of therapy!
Thanks for sharing your story with us! :goodpost:
My pleasure.
Wow that's a great story! I suffer from bad anxiety too and am on meds but my chickens are the real therapy that helps keep my mind calm. Thanks for sharing that interview.
You’re welcome.
Aryeh I really enjoyed your interview. I know how you struggled to try to pick a favorite chicken. I sat here trying to decide which one I would choose from my chooks. Nope. Can't do it. I'm glad to hear your girls are your therapy. When my husband gets home from a stressful day at work he says he needs some chicken therapy and goes to hang out with them for a bit. He too has very high anxiety issues. It's true, chickens are wonderful therapists. :cool:
Your chickens are beautiful. I'm envious of your Ameraucanas. Your "Sizzle" made me laugh outloud.
Very good interview. :thumbsup
Aryeh I really enjoyed your interview. I know how you struggled to try to pick a favorite chicken. I sat here trying to decide which one I would choose from my chooks. Nope. Can't do it. I'm glad to hear your girls are your therapy. When my husband gets home from a stressful day at work he says he needs some chicken therapy and goes to hang out with them for a bit. He too has very high anxiety issues. It's true, chickens are wonderful therapists. :cool:
Your chickens are beautiful. I'm envious of your Ameraucanas. Your "Sizzle" made me laugh outloud.
Very good interview. :thumbsup
Thank you Cryss for your kind words.

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