BYC Member Interview - MaryJanet

Do you know what? I reckon it's my fault for being too curious about the world.
Oh HECK NO!!!!! That makes you interesting because you are interested.

I think it is sad that so many in the USA don't often think about the world outside our borders, not even sure there IS anything of importance or interest out there. I listen to the BBC at least once a day. Did you know that there are things happening in the world OUTSIDE the USA? I KNOW, I'm shocked too!! ;) You don't hear about most of it on USA news.
You don't hear about most of it on USA news.
Really? That explains a lot to me. We always get a little international news on tv, though some stations do more of it than others. Australians like travel too, so there's always someone in your immediate social group somewhere overseas or planning it or just home and telling their stories. That's my experience anyway. Pre-covid of course.
Thanks DD :love Aussies are pretty good at listening and understanding each other and respecting difference of opinion without losing friendship. We discuss instead of argue and even then we try to do it kindly. Whereas once or twice I've carefully shared a viewpoint and it's caused an American to suspend the discussion instead of taking it further. Things I can discuss with Aussies, I can't discuss with Americans. Maybe it makes Aussies seem offensive? When really we're opening our minds to other opinions.

But, for what it's worth mate, I value your friendship and sparkling wit :hugs I'm so happy every time you join in!!

But you're right, the slang can come flat out like a lizard drinking! :gig (whatever that means :gig:lau:gig)
I think it can be dangerous to generalize but I suppose there may be some truth to what you are saying. We have had some spirited discussions recently but I don't feel like I have taken offense. I hope you have not.
I'm not sure but sometimes there's a cultural gap I can't close.
That is usually the fault of the other person not coming part way. There is only so much one side can do.

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