BYC Member Interview - Weeg

Very nice interview, Avery! Thanks for sharing.
What is wrong with Misty's leg?
I have some more Paleo recipes if you want to PM me for some recipe swaps. :D
Thank you! That photo was from a while back, last summer. She found a way to get into trouble and bang her leg, she's all healed now like nothing ever happened. :)
I might have to take you up on that! I'm always looking for new recipes!
@Weeg I really enjoyed learning more about you and your animal friends! Have you ever tried tanning any of the hides from when your family hunts? I would love to help you find out more about such an amazing skill! Also your very pretty mare stole my heart, what a gorgeous color. Sounds like you have wonderful land around you, and it is great you are doing even a small amount of gardening. What kind of crops do you grow? Any cool heirlooms? Thanks for sharing about all your chickens and their quirky personalities, and I love your chicken's birthday cake!
Thank you! I'm glad you did!
It is something that we did in the past. We've only done it with one hide, though I'm not sure why we haven't continued. Its definitely something I'd be interested in learning more about. :)
Thank you! She is a sweetheart, definitely a pocket pony.
We love growing peas, I'm trying to grow watermelon this year, but we typically grow peas, carrots, celery, lettuce, kale, and squash. I have a huge list of crops I want to add this year, its definitely going to be a fun year for the garden! Maybe even for some expansion.
Awww, thanks! Doodle liked it too, its a recipe I'm definitely going to keep.
Nice to officially meet you Avery. :) Great interview. Your dogs are gorgeous. My husband wants a lab. I've read they are great dogs. Are they hard to train for hunting?
Thank you! I sure think they are, though who can't say that about a lab. :)
They are fantastic dogs. Good with almost everything, and very smart. Honestly, with Comet it didn't take much training. I think once they understand that they are supposed to retrieve the duck, they get it. Comet loves fetch, so it wasn't hard with him. I don't know a ton about the specifics, but I do know they learn very quickly.
I really enjoyed reading your interview :love it’s lovely to get to know you more! Great pics and gorgeous pets, I think we all learned a lot from Smudge, Thank you:hugs
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it! I love photography, guess thats something else I should have put on the interview. I do hope to get a Canon camera very soon so I can take ever better photos. I do as well, she was a good hen. ☺️

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