BYC members in Massachusetts?

Wow! I hadn't realized there were so many kinds that did well here! That's good news. :) I bet they're probably very tasty for pies and things too, right? Thank you so much for all the great info! So besides the fertilizer, do you put any sprays or anything on it? And is there a special kind of fertilizer or just any? For the berries, how do you keep the birds and critters away? Veggies too I guess. We have an overgrown part of the backyard, along the woods, lots of grass for hiding and raising I guess cause it's very popular for birds and critters, and there are wild blueberries and raspberries back there too. The birds always ravage the bushes. We tried veggies last year too and the mammals got to those. Netting? Also, 3 years isn't really that long and I may try that too but I'm curious if there is any way to buy older trees? If not I'll just do that but I can be pretty impatient sometimes, which seems pretty counterproductive for gardening haha anyway, thank you and sorry for all the questions.
Well I did get one older peach tree, and it produced the second year. I think it was 2 or 3 years old when I got it. For fertilizers we used Rock Phosphate, lyme (I forget how its spelled) and a "compost tea" we make (kinda complicated to explain, will post how we make it tomorrow), I think that's all. We never spray any of our plants and usually don't have too much of a problem with pests, sometimes wasps will try to eat the peaches though. Birds eat some of the blueberries but I guess we have enough they can't really take to many, so not sure about discouraging them, sorry. I'll be able to think better tomorrow though.
Thanks again!

I'm glad you don't spray because I didn't really want to but thought it was necessary. I'll have to look into all those fertilizers and things. Wasps terrify me so not sure about that. As for discouraging the birds, it's okay! We only have one bush, maybe two, haven't checked, so that's probably why it's gone so fast, fierce competition. Sure if I took care of it it.might be fine. They're wild.
We also grow many different things. This year I purchased 2 new apple trees. The biggest crop is blackberries. We have a ton and the chickens LOVE them!

Maybe I'll try blackberries. They seem pretty good. Haven't had them in a while. We may need to try some more apple trees too
Cooooold morning here in MA today. Even the chickens are moving slowly this morning lmao

Their water was frozen and they filled their food with shavings sp had to refill both and it will hopefully warm up.

I'm going to a show so hopefully my dad can handle them
Hi Tom welcome to the site. Sorry I don't know where to send you for your eggs but I do have a question for our BYC Mass members. I am interested in purchasing 4 4 gauge cattle wire panels locally. Can any of my fellow chicken keepers point me in the right direction.
Thanks Powerhour

The first snow is flying and the girls are hiding! Not even 1 out the 8 came out to check the snow out! They peek their heads out and nibble on the snow and then pop back in. They are not planning on coming out today oh well!

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