BYC members in Massachusetts?

We have some snow but it's mostly slush by now because it turned to rain. They refused to venture out at first then came out to eat and drink (water out from under coop, food under coop) but then I put an additional bowl of water under the coop and they all went back under there
hello all.. new to this site from medford.. just wondering where to rent a place to raise some chicken and visit it every week if posible.. chicken theraphy purposes :D.. i think its ilegal here in our city.. so i just go to some farm or show watching them.. thx
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Anytime there is even the slightest inkling of bad weather or rain or anything mine all huddle inside. I gotta add a roof since the coop is kinda small. They stay in or come out briefly then go back in. I've seen some people say their birds splash around in the mud or whatever, love to get dirty. Not mine. Prissy little things LOL
hello all.. new to this site from medford.. just wondering where to rent a place to raise some chicken and visit it every week if posible.. chicken theraphy purposes :D.. i think its ilegal here in our city.. so i just go to some farm or show watching them.. thx

I would recommend checking Craigslist, I know I've seen some things on there. Also ask around at shows, fairs, etc. And maybe a 4H or agriculture club or something. They may know
Hi MA folks,

I'm new on this site. Can anyone share with me where to find good hatching eggs in MA? I'm interested in Red Star, something like this:, but less expensive.


If you are interested in the high production red sex links then the major hatcheries are your best option for stock. Their emphasis is on production. Have you incubated eggs before? If not you may want to reconsider the hatching egg route, and go with hatchery chicks. There are no guarantees with eggs, even less so with shipped eggs. You could have 0% hatch. You could have 100% hatch. Of those 100% could be cockerels (yes, it has happened to me). Ordering chicks would likely give you more live chicks for the money spent.

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