BYC members in Massachusetts?

Pretty coop! I still need to finish insulating mine, and get the latch on the run door before my girls can go outside. Haven't even thought about how I'm going to plug a heated water bowl in in the winter yet, will probably run an extension cord from the garage - way easier than trying to run electric!

I do have a chicken question for folks in the Metro West/Framingham area - where can I find somewhere that sells chicken feed, preferably less than a 45 minute drive? Currently I've been picking up all my chicken supplies at the TSC in central CT when I go to visit family, but it'd be nice to actually find somewhere local to get everything they need. A google search hasn't been very productive - seems just all horse feed/supply places, no general farm stores.

Used to be a feed store in the down town area of Framingham-- near the DMV. I haven't been there for years so I don't know if it is still there. It was a few streets northish of the DMV , a wee bit closer to rte 9. Sorry can't remember the name of it. If I remember it I 'll let you know.

Ferensteins is in __walpole________( take rte --- south thru Medfield almost to rte95) and Agway is in Franklin over the RR tracks.

Used to be an old farm ( Briggs) in MEdway that sold grain-- a dairy farm. again haven't been there in 15 years. GOodness the years fly!
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Ketaped - I get everything in Acton at Erikson's Grain Mill
I bet it's less than 15 miles from you - and they have everything!

I'm in Holliston, so it's actually 45 minutes, according to Google Maps, but still better than driving to CT. :)


I'll have to check to see if the unnamed grain store is still in Framingham, if it is, that'd be closer than Acton, Walpole or Franklin.

Thank you both for the info, chicks are going through a cup and a half of starter every day now - little buggers grow so fast!
Hi There,
I'm in Metrowest MA too, have 7 chicks, well more like chickens they've gotten so big so fast, and just joined BYC as well. We are loving our girls, Just moved them into the coop last week. Love this site, it's been so helpful as I'm new to having chickens, been logging way too many hrs. on here reading & learning, but it's addicting & fun, best of luck!!
Last Friday I found one of my hens dead in the coop when I went to let them out. She was always smaller and quieter than the others, didn't eat much. She was a Delaware and the Black Star and Orpington were growing bigger, eating a lot and very active. No signs of disease or anything wrong so I am guessing it was something she had when we got her? They were just turning 12 weeks. The next day we finished putting the aviary netting over the big run area and I let the other two out. Felt so bad that she did not have a chance to enjoy it. I thought about getting another, called the man I got them from he had no Delawares left. Some people suggested I get 2 more instead of just one but I think space wise it may get crowded in the coop. So sad, she was very sweet.
Hi Chikit - I'm in Hudson - also have 7 chicks who are 2 weeks old. They have spent the whole day outside today in this beautiful weather and are having a blast! Have dug a little dust bath hole, running around catching little bugs and eating chickweed - life is good :)
How old are your chicks? Just curious since you just transferred to coop - I'm hoping mine will be out in another week or 2!
I also have been spending lots of time on BYC while building my coop and waiting on chicks... a little less now that they are here.
Last Friday I found one of my hens dead in the coop when I went to let them out. She was always smaller and quieter than the others, didn't eat much. She was a Delaware and the Black Star and Orpington were growing bigger, eating a lot and very active. No signs of disease or anything wrong so I am guessing it was something she had when we got her? They were just turning 12 weeks. The next day we finished putting the aviary netting over the big run area and I let the other two out. Felt so bad that she did not have a chance to enjoy it. I thought about getting another, called the man I got them from he had no Delawares left. Some people suggested I get 2 more instead of just one but I think space wise it may get crowded in the coop. So sad, she was very sweet.
NOt all chickens thrive. Natures way of weeding out the weaker stock. Sorry you lost her. As far as getting more, I ususally try to sell 2 at a time. Makes adjustments far easier. One new one could get picked on badly as all the attention is aimed at one and not split between 2-3 new ones. SOrry for your loss.
Quote: HEre is the framingham store-- google search brought this up. A good general store, small but has a bit of everything in the middle of a city.

Farmer's Exchange, Inc 40 Pearl St, Tel: 508-872-

THere is a feed store on rte 16 on the Mendon/ Uxbridge line called Feeds n Needs.

If you are in HOlliston, the Franklin store might be a possiblity too.
Your local Agway sells feed. Did a quick search for you and came up with:

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