BYC members in Massachusetts?

I adored my marans. Friendly and great layers, even through winter in Berkshire County. We handle all our chicks daily. I think that helps. But even with handling you have to expect some skittish behavior. They are chickens and they can startle easy.
Thanks for posting about Dodge Grain. They are about an hour away, but it seems they have a good selection, and they actually know what birds they will be getting. I live outside of Worcester. I have called a couple farm stores, and most don't know what they will get.. they say they get "hatchery choice". I used to have good luck with Klems, but when I called this year they had no idea of what they would be getting.
Hi Fuzzy Hen, I have buff, white and working on Millie Fleur pattern in cochins. Unfortunately, I don't sell eggs nor chicks. I sell young adults in the summer/fall. You'll enjoy cochins as they are quite docile and such a nice bird. Enjoy.
Hello everyone,
I am a beginning chicken (and back to basics) enthusiast. I am looking for any advice and help on choosing a good breed of chickens. I live in a northern climate, so I am looking for some cold hardy chickens. Also, I am looking into generally dual-purpose birds, leaning on the egg production side, but I am very lax about this. Some options that I have been looking into are: Sussex, Delaware, Austrolorp, and (maybe) Plymouth Rock. I am also very open to any tips and advice that anyone could give.

Also, I heard about red sex link and Rhode Island Reds, but I heard they are prone to frostbite. How big of a problem is frostbite here in the north? What are some of the breeds people have had the most success with in dual-purpose/egg production chickens?
Thanks a lot!
Hello everyone,
I am a beginning chicken (and back to basics) enthusiast. I am looking for any advice and help on choosing a good breed of chickens. I live in a northern climate, so I am looking for some cold hardy chickens. Also, I am looking into generally dual-purpose birds, leaning on the egg production side, but I am very lax about this. Some options that I have been looking into are: Sussex, Delaware, Austrolorp, and (maybe) Plymouth Rock. I am also very open to any tips and advice that anyone could give.

Also, I heard about red sex link and Rhode Island Reds, but I heard they are prone to frostbite. How big of a problem is frostbite here in the north? What are some of the breeds people have had the most success with in dual-purpose/egg production chickens?
Thanks a lot!
Hello everyone,
I am a beginning chicken (and back to basics) enthusiast. I am looking for any advice and help on choosing a good breed of chickens. I live in a northern climate, so I am looking for some cold hardy chickens. Also, I am looking into generally dual-purpose birds, leaning on the egg production side, but I am very lax about this. Some options that I have been looking into are: Sussex, Delaware, Austrolorp, and (maybe) Plymouth Rock. I am also very open to any tips and advice that anyone could give.

Also, I heard about red sex link and Rhode Island Reds, but I heard they are prone to frostbite. How big of a problem is frostbite here in the north? What are some of the breeds people have had the most success with in dual-purpose/egg production chickens?
Thanks a lot!

As long as your coop has good ventilation frostbite should not be an issue. Rocks, Rhode Island Reds and New Hampshires were developed in New England.

If you are concerned about it consider a rose combed or pea combed breed, such as Wyandottes, rose combed Rhode Island Reds, Rhode Island Whites, Buckeyes, Ameraucanas or Brahmas. Or Chanteclers if you can find them.
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I actually contacted them and no response! If prefer pullets or adults because they are not auto sexed but if I have to go with chicks I will haha

Twin Cedar Farm in Acushnet had them when I visited last year. Great people and beautiful, healthy birds.
Sorry for the delay in responding! Things have been hectic the past few weeks.

byc4me - Thank you so much for the kind words and the recommendation! It is really appreciated!

Apocha14 - I am sorry for not responding. I try to get back to all of our customers, but unfortunately sometimes I miss an email or voicemail...

Hopefully you were able to find the birds that you were looking for. If not we should have some Marans chicks available in April.
One winter hardy breed that I personally love is the Swedish Flower. They seem to like the winter and are the first out of their coop on the mornings that there is snow on the ground. That being said, I really hope we are done with snow. The past few days have been BEAUTIFUL!!!

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