BYC members in Massachusetts?

Hi im in Springfield Massachusetts with 3 chickens i love dearly
Very happy you joined! I am glad more people are getting chickens in MA. Chickens are great- and the BYC community is just as good. If you have any chicken questions don't hesitate to ask me or anyone else any questions you may have as we are all willing to help
I am in New Braintree and I can remember putting the kids into their outback digs in mid May or so. I did have the heat lamp out there for about two days mainly because I could guard it well and fasten it in place but they decided it wasn't all that cool after all. This year has been HORRIBLE so far and has the lowest morning temps of any year I can remember and I've been keeping track for almost twenty years now. Once feathered out chickens are pretty good at keeping themselves warm.
Thanks everyone im sure ill have plenty of questions, my chickens will be inside :( found out not allowed to have them outside in Springfield. But i will have them out some of the time and inside part. They dont bother anyone
I believe Springfield may have had problems with people doing Cock Fights and also keeping chickens inside homes and that is why that law was passed. Springfield has too many other things to worry about than whether or not you have chickens. Chickens make less noise than all of the barking dogs in the neighborhood. Be careful of raccoons! I have lost 3 chickens because I forgot to shut the coop at night.

Most of my neighbors are perfectly happy to see my chickens running around the backyard. They are curious and call me the Springfield Farmer. My bees will be arriving next week.
Thank you gus so much i was told we couldn't i have a fenced in privacy yard!!! Ok so i can feel safer letting them out and keep all 3!!! Thank you guys;)
If you live at a condo or a location where you pay to a home owners association they might have rules that go beyond what the laws are. Pay off your grumpy neighbors with eggs. Happy chicken raising!

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