BYC members in Massachusetts?

Hello I'm new member and a chicken newbie from Massachusetts. Just wanted to stop in and say hi.
Sounds like you'll have lots of eggs in no time at all!
I know! Our silkies look like wet rats! 

Haha so do my Buff Orps!!! They've been huddled under the coop. I bought some veggies and put it in the coop. They all went in for a bit but would rather be underneath. Don't know why. And i just realized I've been putting so mucb dirt in that the front of the run is now really high up, like a foot or 2 higher, so I think the rain is running underneath the coop :(

But we just went out and put 2 pieces of plywood over part of the run and a huge cover along the side of the run. I think we put it on the wrong side though since the rain is coming from the other side but should at least help. They are moving around more
Haha so do my Buff Orps!!! They've been huddled under the coop. I bought some veggies and put it in the coop. They all went in for a bit but would rather be underneath. Don't know why. And i just realized I've been putting so mucb dirt in that the front of the run is now really high up, like a foot or 2 higher, so I think the rain is running underneath the coop

But we just went out and put 2 pieces of plywood over part of the run and a huge cover along the side of the run. I think we put it on the wrong side though since the rain is coming from the other side but should at least help. They are moving around more
We just got a weather warning for high winds and a line of heavy rain. I am so done with this wet weather.
My flock has a nice dry coop and large mesh covered run and in one corner of the run is an Igloo dog house that was laying around and I put into the run just for fun. During this snow time they would all leave the coop and nosh down on some food and then spend the rest of the day all huddled together inside that dog house. When I go out to check on things it looks like the classic clown car with all of them boiling out of it to see if I have treats.They refuse to stay inside and will get soaking wet just to be outside but always seem to dry out during the night.

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