BYC members in Massachusetts?

Sudbury ma.

Hi I"m from Hubbardston MA I have a mixture of chickens now but I'm looking to pare down to my favorites. I love RI reds, Silkies Bantoms oh gee's This is going to be tough. LOL
Paring down is a big challenge!
Hi ...I am from SC but I met some new family members from my DHs side who came down for 2 weeks...they are facinated by my chickens and even more that there is a web site that will allow me to find chicken people in thier area. They live in Reading Mass. and I am hoping to find some folks close by...would be even more awsome to cause some contact and send them a BIG hello!! LOL
Hi from a new member, in Norwood, MA. My wife grew up on a farm, and she recently instigated an interest in backyard chickens. Unfortunately, our town ordinance doesn't allow us to obtain a permit without a variance. The ordinance requires a minimum of 50 feet to the property line, and our yard is 85'x40'. We went up before the town's Board of Health recently, and obtained a temporary 30 day permit allowing us three hens, pending any objections by neighbors, but two of our abutters do have objections, so it looks like we're unlikely to get a further permit. (We have three two-month old Rhode Island Reds, for now) The ordinance requirements seem harsh to me - given that most of our town seems to have quarter acre lots on average, seems to rule out backyard chickens for most people, and I'm considering speaking about this at a town meeting. Anyway, I would very much like to hear from folks, from Norwood, or anywhere else.

Hi from a new member, in Norwood, MA. My wife grew up on a farm, and she recently instigated an interest in backyard chickens. Unfortunately, our town ordinance doesn't allow us to obtain a permit without a variance. The ordinance requires a minimum of 50 feet to the property line, and our yard is 85'x40'. We went up before the town's Board of Health recently, and obtained a temporary 30 day permit allowing us three hens, pending any objections by neighbors, but two of our abutters do have objections, so it looks like we're unlikely to get a further permit. (We have three two-month old Rhode Island Reds, for now) The ordinance requirements seem harsh to me - given that most of our town seems to have quarter acre lots on average, seems to rule out backyard chickens for most people, and I'm considering speaking about this at a town meeting. Anyway, I would very much like to hear from folks, from Norwood, or anywhere else.


Kudos to you!!

DId you see the piece done by EMily ROoney?? About chickens in a Boston suburb. I wrote a paragraph about in on the Easter Hatcha thon if you can do a search to find it ,, there are names there of people who support the chickens in the suburb idea. Mayor Minino is also interested in supporting this. One guy featured on the show is bucking the system and has chickens inspiite of the ordinances.

Keep just hens and show people how quiet the hens are. And bring them fresh eggs. We need to change some or the restrictions and allow more small farm animals like chickens.

THis is the link to my post , hope it helps.
Here is the address, couldn't get it make make a link. perhaps copy and paste.
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Just in case here it is.

I just watched a segment of the Ms. Rooney show on our local PBS station. A suburb of Boston is considering new ordinances to allow chickens. And this is suported by the Mayor of BOston! I copied my post from the Mass thread:

Did anyone catch the show tonight with Ms. Rooney as host: Chickens in Melrose.

The intro featured Steven Gag , a transplant with agricultural background, that is defying the current ordinance with about 6 hens. He pays the neighbor's kids to help care for the hens twice a day. Mr Gag feels he needs to bring attention to the current situation so that people can learn the "root of food" , enjoy the "brighter taste" of fresh eggs. The current system allows for chickens with a zoning variance.

Seattle and New york already have city ordinances allowing chickens. Now the Mayor of Boston is in favor of urban agriculture and Melrose may eventually be able to have hens. Ms Rooney interviewed Audra Karp who has hens for a number of reasons: pets, so her daughter knows where eggs come from and grow their own food. There was another guest who was quite knowledgeable about chickens and was able to explain that dogs are more of a problem than chickens re guarding diseases and poo. A very favorable segment without Ms Rooney's usual disdain. She was empathetic and interested in this topic.Presenting chickens in urban cities in a favorable way.

Ya aah!

More chickens !!!
Hi, It's so great to hear from so many in MA!
I just receieved my efowl shipment of longtails. There's a bunch of them, so if you guys want any, pm me.
They came straight run, and are day old, just arrived today. I have around 40 i think? but havent counted. I ordered so many because I didnt expect them to all make it!
Red shoulder yokohama, black sumatra, black breasted red Phoenix, golden phoenix.
Ericka - Rowley, MA and Deerfield, NH
shanachie05 * Ericka: I am new to chickens and live right down Rt1 in Topsfield. Do you know anyone in the area selling pullet Bantams??

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