BYC members in Massachusetts?

Hi, It's so great to hear from so many in MA!
I just receieved my efowl shipment of longtails. There's a bunch of them, so if you guys want any, pm me.
They came straight run, and are day old, just arrived today. I have around 40 i think? but havent counted. I ordered so many because I didnt expect them to all make it!
Red shoulder yokohama, black sumatra, black breasted red Phoenix, golden phoenix.
Ericka - Rowley, MA and Deerfield, NH

I might be interested, can you post pics?
Hi- I'm new to this forum, but raise chickens in MA! Wanted to join this thread....

I'm in Hopkinton and have 5 Americaunas- 1 blue wheaten, 1 RIRed, 1 Dominique, and 2 Leghorns. Just lost two hens last week to a red fox, and have just started to attempt to hatch some fertile eggs. :)
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Hey MA
Well after a lot of thinking and planning I think I am going to hold out on getting chickens right now. But I do still plan on getting chickens. I love in Topsfield and I am going to wait till October and get my chickens at the Fair. Do any of you MA chicken mom's and dads show your chickens at the Fair. A friend of mine told me there is a chicken auction at the end of the Fair do/have any of you done this ?
I have been to the chicken auction after the fair. It is a lot of fun! I did it quite a few years ago. I didn't get any, just sold a few roosters.
I live right up the road from you in Rowley! You're super close! Hi!
Ericka in Rowley, MA
hi I'm on the south shore and looking for salmon favorelles - either fertile eggs or chicks.....any one know of availablity. I can order from the grain store but I have to wait for delivery and I have a broody hen that has hatched for me in the past and she has also adopted new chicks with no issues so I am open to eggs or chicks,,,,..... I would also be interested in light brahma.
Thanks, Arielle. I hadn't seen the show/article. I agree absolutely that our (suburban) ordinance seems way too restrictive, particularly if you are only looking to keep a half-dozen or so chickens. Once again, I'd be very interested in hearing from anyone in our or neighboring towns.

Just in case here it is.

I just watched a segment of the Ms. Rooney show on our local PBS station. A suburb of Boston is considering new ordinances to allow chickens. And this is suported by the Mayor of BOston! I copied my post from the Mass thread:

Did anyone catch the show tonight with Ms. Rooney as host: Chickens in Melrose.

The intro featured Steven Gag , a transplant with agricultural background, that is defying the current ordinance with about 6 hens. He pays the neighbor's kids to help care for the hens twice a day. Mr Gag feels he needs to bring attention to the current situation so that people can learn the "root of food" , enjoy the "brighter taste" of fresh eggs. The current system allows for chickens with a zoning variance.

Seattle and New york already have city ordinances allowing chickens. Now the Mayor of Boston is in favor of urban agriculture and Melrose may eventually be able to have hens. Ms Rooney interviewed Audra Karp who has hens for a number of reasons: pets, so her daughter knows where eggs come from and grow their own food. There was another guest who was quite knowledgeable about chickens and was able to explain that dogs are more of a problem than chickens re guarding diseases and poo. A very favorable segment without Ms Rooney's usual disdain. She was empathetic and interested in this topic.Presenting chickens in urban cities in a favorable way.

Ya aah!

More chickens !!!
Hi everyone, new here and I have a few questions for my fellow Mass folks. I live in Marlborough, is anyone familiar with the laws there? We don't currently have any but my wife decided she wants to get a few hens for eggs. That leads to question two, where do I buy them? And at what stage of maturity is best to buy them?

thank you ahead of time for all your help!

Hi Jason,

Each town has it's own laws. You will need to ak at the town hall. THere maybe limits set by acreage or by location within the town. THere may be hen only laws.

I recommend starting with chicks if you want friendly hens. Play with the chicks, feed them treats and you are more likely to get hens that look for treats.

Buy from reputable sources. THe chickens at Tractor Supply and other feed stores susually buy from the big hatcheries. THese are generally regarded as clean and free of diseases. BUT YOU MUST ASK where the chicks come from, then google the company to see if it one of the big companies.

When you are more experienced, then buy from a private breeder.

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