BYC members in Massachusetts?

I go to the TSC in Putnam and they don't have chicks anymore. They didn't sell bunnies this year, so had the chicks early, and are done already. I don't know if all TSC are the same. Check with your local feed store, they usually have them, if TSC doesn't. I know they have some at Putnam Farmer's co-op, and Klems, in Spencer.
Hi Jason,

I'm right over in Hopkinton. Here anyway- you just have to check which zone you are live in, as each zone has it's own restrictions. I'm allowed to have chickens as long as I have a structure for them to be in, and it has to been so far from the street. I don't think I can have roosters. And if I could, I don't think the neighbors would appreciate it.

I bought mine from a breeder in RI- found her on Craigslist. Most local feed stores have a supply of chicks right now. If you don't know where a local feed store is, I can give you a couple relatively close by. Otherwise, just go on Craigslist. There are lots of people selling chicks right now. When I started, I got some that were 6 wks old and didn't need to be brooded. It was much easier for a beginner. As far as temperament- I've had some that were super friendly, and some not so much. I really don't know much about that... but we love our chickens!! And the eggs. :)
Thank you everyone for your help!

Here's what I found out from the town, for anyone else in Marlborough: As long as you give them cute pet names, the town can't get involved. You are permitted to have up to 10 "pets". I was warned against roosters though (didn't plan on it anyway) because if there's a noise complaint the town could get involved.
Thank you everyone for your help!

Here's what I found out from the town, for anyone else in Marlborough: As long as you give them cute pet names, the town can't get involved. You are permitted to have up to 10 "pets". I was warned against roosters though (didn't plan on it anyway) because if there's a noise complaint the town could get involved.

I have a number of roosters. THey do crow in the middle of the night sometimes, and a coop doesn't muffle it that much. LOL

Enjoy your girls.
Hello everyone, I live in Southern NH and I'm looking to connect with others in the area. If you reside near Southern NH please respond to this post. Thanks!
Hi from a new member, in Norwood, MA. My wife grew up on a farm, and she recently instigated an interest in backyard chickens. Unfortunately, our town ordinance doesn't allow us to obtain a permit without a variance. The ordinance requires a minimum of 50 feet to the property line, and our yard is 85'x40'. We went up before the town's Board of Health recently, and obtained a temporary 30 day permit allowing us three hens, pending any objections by neighbors, but two of our abutters do have objections, so it looks like we're unlikely to get a further permit. (We have three two-month old Rhode Island Reds, for now) The ordinance requirements seem harsh to me - given that most of our town seems to have quarter acre lots on average, seems to rule out backyard chickens for most people, and I'm considering speaking about this at a town meeting. Anyway, I would very much like to hear from folks, from Norwood, or anywhere else.


Funny how the town will only allow you 3 birds but Mass law says you have to purchase at least 6 birds. Got to love it,either the town doesn't know what Mass law states or knows and just want to make it more difficult. Thank heavens my town is declared a farm town you only need a permit for pigs.

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