BYC Mobile / BYC Phone App - Discuss ideas & Suggestions


BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
We get a relatively large amount of requests to make the forum more "mobile" friendly. This being the case I wanted to start a discussion on this.

In general there are two schools of thought:

1) Make your sites super mobile friendly for current devices
2) Make devices more friendly for current websites

Usually websites with enough resources (money and time) can go with #1, but smaller sites, like BYC, often go with option #2.

Within option #1 there are two sub-options:

1) Create an "app" for the website (facebook app, CNN app, yelp app, etc.)
2) Create a "theme" or "skin" that is basically a stripped down version of the forum so it renders better on mobile devices.

#1 is cleaner, but more expensive and tricky since there are so many different platforms
#2 isn't as fancy, but is relatively easier.

BYC comes up pretty well on my iPhone... I mean, it isn't perfect, but I don't really have a harder time with BYC on my phone than any other sites.

We probably can't duplicate all the functions of BYC to some type of mobile platform, but if we undertake this, we'd like to prioritize what is most important. Obviously the first main items are:

1) Ability to read topics and posts
2) Ability to reply

After that, there are all kinds of other functions like "subscribe to topics" or read / reply to PMs, Create polls, upload pictures, etc. etc. etc. that become trickier to implement with less priority.

So, let's have a good discussion on BYC Mobile!

For those that want to access BYC on a mobile device, especially those having problems, please reply with:

1) The device type
2) Specific problems you have on BYC with that device
3) What are the most important
1) The device type

Samsung Moment using the Android system.

2) Specific problems you have on BYC with that device

In order to show the page it renders so small that it's impossible to read. I have to enlarge the text to read which then requires much tedious side to side scrolling simply to read a paragraph.

3) What are the most important

Everything, of course! But to start simply the ability to read and reply to posts would be good without having to endlessly enlarge the font with every page change then scroll all over the place to see it. My wife has a Facebook app (I'm not a FB user) that renders very well on her phone allowing her to easily read what she wants without having to scroll side to side. Up and down, yes, but she doesn't have to go side to side simply to read a paragraph such as this one. Or you may look at the Wapedia app that allows one to access Wikipedia directly.
Also one of the request is direct phone to site uploads.



Apple/Safari (Iphone 3gs)


Make the 'buttons' float- that is not at the top or bottom of a whole page, but always at the top or bottom of the screen - like a HUD (heads Up Display).

so we can 'reply' w/o scrolling for 100 years (I have 75 post/ 75 threads on for home use)

HTC Aria (Android 2.2)

None really the web site pulls up pretty well.

Most important.
My only wish is that I could upload pics from my phone. We live out in the middle of no where and have no internet access at my home. So we use our phones alot.
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I have a Sprint android.

The site pulls up quickly for me, I can answer my PM's with no problems.
I just have to hit the enlarge button and turn my phone sideways and I have no trouble reading the print.
I am always reading BYC forum in the passenfer seat.
I was just thinking about this today while I was on my IPhone webbrowser and BYC. I think it is a great idea and I can navigate pretty well with the browser, only problem is going to the next page on the forum without hitting the wrong thing, making it big enough for me to read and having to scroll back and forth to read, and possibly and easier reply process.
Also one of the request is direct phone to site uploads.

This is what I want. For the iphone, I want to directly upload pictures... That is all. Lol.
1) The device type
iPhone 4, using Safari

2) Specific problems you have on BYC with that device
The web page displays just like it does on a regular computer, which means resizing the screen and moving things around constantly in order to find buttons to post, etc. It's a little tedious.

3) What are the most important
I'd be fine with a streamlined "text-only" rendition of a thread, buttons for going to different forum areas rather than links... Kind of like what CayuseRanch suggested. I can wait to use all the fancy extra features like polls, etc., until I get home.

The only addition that might be cool is a direct photo-upload where I could take a picture with my iPhone, then directly upload it to my pics here on BYC by pushing a button and choosing the photo I want to add.

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