BYC Mobile / BYC Phone App - Discuss ideas & Suggestions

Droid X

Browser crashing

Happens randomly, not sure if it is this website but seems to happen often here. Of course, I usually have at least 3 windows open! I know from some other chat sites that emoticons, especially the animated ones, can cause phone browsers to crash, and this gets worse the more there are on a page.

I don't like most mobile apps, they really limit how much info you have access to. If you do develop one, please leave the option of viewing the full site for those of us who don't mind reading glasses
. Great topic by the way.

Motorola Droid, Google browser

No specific problems with mine.

I can actually upload pics from my phone to BYC using the browser. Please don't change that. I take most pics of my chickens with my phone, so that is the best thing for me to get them on here.
How important is access to the post lists (for example: recent posts, unanswered posts, your subscribed topics...) on your phone? I'm guessing it's one of those lower priority things that can wait till you get home, right?
I have a HTC Incredible running Android and if you phone is web enabled and you have a laptop you should be able to use it as a 'hot spot' and then use the wireless laptop to post or upload.
Hey Nifty,

i use my ipod some times... it is very hard to see and a lot of zooming...

what i would recommend (and now this is me only)

is a skin for mobile devices, not an app (theres a few hoops and hurdles you have to do)
This is what I want. For the iphone, I want to directly upload pictures... That is all. Lol.

Me too! Me too!!!
undefined:lol: Dude, that's an awesome msg! I have to confess that 95% of the problems I was having were due to my ignorance of computers and my $30 cell phone's limitations combined with the large amount of stress I am living with right now. Once I chilled out enough to really think it dawned on me to look for a MOBILE SITE to go with my MOBILE PHONE. Duh! Embarassed to death while alone in the middle of the night. Pretty sure the dogs were laughing at me, too. After that it's been great! A few problems but nothing I shouldn't be able to learn with help from the great folks on BYC. Like why I can't get 'More Smilies' when I click on it to post a reply on my phone. Even your smilies rock compared to other forums I visit, they are so cute! Thanks for working to improve things-that is what it is all about to my mind when there is a job to be done. Quetsweyo
iphone4 and ipad2

only issue I have is direct uploads not working. I only get on here via these two devices so I have to upload to photo bucket, get the link come back here and post the link. If it is more than one image its back and forth, back and forth.

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