BYC Poo Page - Warning, Pictures

Here is a picture from a 3 year old peahen that had a severe case of capillary worms and coccidiosis.

Hen was treated with both Corid and Safeguard orally for five days.

Could be infection or coccidiosis maybe?

It was cocci, then hen died a few weeks ago. I did not treat with enough corid for long enough last fall. She slowly starved and was so emaciated she could not stand or walk. I should have culled her long ago. The intestinal damage was too far gone for her to recover.

At least one chicken has poop like this. There is a very small amount of blood in this particular dropping.
The chicken is acting fine, drinking water, searching for food but not coming when I offer fresh food. One chicken passed two days ago with no sign of illness. My hens have also stopped laying the past 2 days.
Only immediate thoughts I have is 'How hot is it where you are?' and 'Are your girls drinking more than normal?'

It would help to know how old your girls are, if you've recently wormed or treated them for anything else, and if they may have had access to any different or unusual food (whether you gave it to them or whether they found it themselves hidden in a corner!)
She is about two years old & she hasn't been wormed recently. It's been overcast and about 75 to 80 degrees here the past few days. She has been drinking quite a bit of water, maybe a little more than usual.
I don't think she's eaten anything abnormal.. Just a few corn and strawberry treats..
She is about two years old & she hasn't been wormed recently. It's been overcast and about 75 to 80 degrees here the past few days. She has been drinking quite a bit of water, maybe a little more than usual.
I don't think she's eaten anything abnormal.. Just a few corn and strawberry treats..
Welcome to BYC!

You could try treating for coccidiosis with Corid and you could try worming with Safeguard.

Kathy's right - if it's not really hot where you are then treating for coccidiosis and worms is the best place to start. Let us know how it goes - if there's no improvement in the next 4 or 5 days then maybe it needs further thought.

Keep us updated on how things are - all the best for you and your girl.

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