BYC question and answer thread....

new question: to anyone who knows a lot of chicken breeds:
So um what breed are these hens and roosters? i bought 6 of them at easter time from TSC 3 roosters and 3 hens... they lay light brown eggs and dark brown eggs.. so what breed are they?
below: the roosters :)

below: one of the hens...
new question: to anyone who knows a lot of chicken breeds:
So um what breed are these hens and roosters? i bought 6 of them at easter time from TSC 3 roosters and 3 hens... they lay light brown eggs and dark brown eggs.. so what breed are they?
below: the roosters :)

below: one of the hens...
They look like Partridge Plymouth Rocks to me.
That is what i though originally but someone else told me different
I'm not exactly sure... most likely it would be if your hen is egg bound then the egg would be under the vent... you could try feeling there... don't rub it roughly if there is an egg you don't want to crush... it someone else may have some more info for you and will tell you how to cure an egg bound hen
Hope that helps
This is a show quality he that I found, but keep in mind that I know knowing about what makes one show quality or not, lol.


A White Non-bearded Silkie female that was a winner in a UK show in 1998

Well, at least going by the photos, your Silkie rooster could be show-quality. However, you hen is not--she needs more leg/foot feathering and a larger crest.

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