Announcement BYC Scheduled Downtime - Forum Update 1/13/2020

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Yeah. But we have backups to restore to, in case anything does, which I doubt we'll have to do.
Don't worry.
Take your time.

We aren't going to die if we have to wait a few extra hours, I promise.

Don't stress about it.
Don't worry.
Take your time.

We aren't going to die if we have to wait a few extra hours, I promise.

Don't stress about it.

But if it "blows up" I hope BYC won't be gone forever! It's my main source of chicken knowledge... but don't tell @21hens-incharge - because she's full of it! :D (I mean that in a good way. She's giving me bunches of great advice! Also @aart)
Don't worry.
Take your time.

We aren't going to die if we have to wait a few extra hours, I promise.

Don't stress about it.
I will, I'm just going to be mainly setting things like permissions like how they were before the upgrade after the upgrade script runs, and I saved screenshots of what they are set to now.
But if it "blows up" I hope BYC won't be gone forever! It's my main source of chicken knowledge... but don't tell @21hens-incharge - because she's full of it! :D (I mean that in a good way. She's giving me bunches of great advice! Also @aart)
It won't be gone forever, this is a relatively low risk upgrade :D
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