Hey Scrambled, You have some beautiful blocks there. It's so nice to see them put together.
B and Mary, you all need to head on over to this thread....
sign up and start making and getting blocks. There are at least a zillion sites on the web with free 12.5" quilt block patterns (100% cotton prewash) and most folks start with the easy 9 patch, once you can square that up and match all the seams, the rest is pretty simple..I speak from experience!!!! Give it a go, it's really fun and you'll def. make new friends and have their blocks in your quilt to show off!!!
Scrambled You are really industrious!! Two quilt tops finished from swap blocks

And as for me being a walking quilt it!

I love to find shortcuts and washing charms by hand to keep them from raveling was a real pain.
Scrambled You are really industrious!! Two quilt tops finished from swap blocks

Well that can be my middle name since my first is "overachiever"!! lol!! Some of those are from a spring swap of 20 blocks also.
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Okay.....after several days of pressed action, I have the baby's quilt ready for the handwork...stitching the binding and needle pulling the threads to the inside.

My daughter is not a blues and pink or baby prints kind of mom. Her nursery has a "lodge" feel to it. She has water color pictures of fishing lures on the when I found the fabric with lures two years ago, I bought it. THEN when I found the trout fabric, the quilt simply built itself ...



I'm taking it to the doctor's office tomorrow for hubby's tests and then on the plane Tuesday and will keep the hand work going until it's finished.
I'll be out of pocket for a week unless I take my laptop with me on the trip. So if I'm missing in action....that's why/
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