Wow! What an awesome quilt. Bet that's going to be one happy baby sleeping under that.
The little mom wants to do up the todlers room in a transportation theme. Itty Bitty likes tractors and big equipment so once I get an idea about what she wants, I can make Dylan a new quilt also. We're going to work on a duvet cover. She is talking chocolate and cream stripes...
Anyway, it will be a fun filled week.
My youngest daughter had a baby boy in April and since his room was jungle animals I made his quilt in that theme. His other son has a hunting theme so I plan on making him a quilt in that theme. Right now I'm finishing up a comfort quilt for the Women's Shelter in town. Our guild donates 50 or so a year. One of these days I'll make one for myself.
Awesome Nankat!!! My daughter is not a pinky kind of girl either, always has her nails done but a streak of tomboy, thus the batman quilt, so I totally relate to you making her a lodge quilt. Very nice
This is going to be the center of my son's Chritmas quilt, a racing memories quilt. I will make some crossed flags with other pictures (printed on photofabric which is cotton poplin in this case..easy peasy and I love it!!). I plan to border this with checkered flag fabric and some fabric with little flags in it.
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I know a son that will be happy with that quilt. Wow!
It will look great. I just noticed you're in Fayetteville. My son lives just outside of Ft. Bragg (he's an army man about to retire) and I have a son and daughter that live in Jacksonville. I love NC but I couldn't talk hubby into retiring there so we got stuck here. He is originally from KS.
Thank you, I hope he'll like it. Let me know when you are coming to visit and we'll meet for lunch.. Fort Bragg basically IS Fayetteville, that's why we haven't seen too much economic downturn here because of so much military.
I know we won't get back this year. This years vacation is in OK for hubby's college reunion at Wesleyan Un. in Bartlesville, but will keep that in mind. Just finished quilting the comfort quilt except for a bit around the edges and then all I have to do is bind it. Will post a photo when it's done.
Well, let me know whenever you do, I'll still be here ..good lord willin and all!

I put 2 strips of the checkered flag fbric on top and bottom of that race car collage and cut out some of the checkered flag with a strip of the other fabric in the center and will try to get all that sewn together tonight. I plan to add some crossed flags made from more photo fabric and some other applique to it too, like the 98 and some small checkered flag patches I bought. I'm batting around several different things for the backing, most of them in the racing flag colors so not sure yet about that. I'll take some more photos of the front as I get nearer to finishing it. Christmas is sneaking up on me and I have sooooooooooo many projects to finish!!
I have to start thinking about Christmas also. I made quilted table runners and placemats with napkins that shape like Christmas trees when folded last year. I haven't decided on what will be this years. I'm working on crocheted afghans for my grandchildren....something to remember me by. They're just the right size to wrap up in when watching TV. All the grand daughters are done and most of the grandsons. This has been a two year project so far. I could make quilts also but may do that for my children. I have a daughter that quilts also. Since she does I've made her a chrocheted tablecloth for Christmas.

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