Here's my progress so far, seems like Christmas is getting closer and closer, lol!!! It's not ironed or finished, I will add some applique and maybe a border of several rows of the racing flag colors.
probably will make pillows with these..
Oh, Darlene, that is going to be one thing he will cherish forever. You are doing such a great job on it too. You're so creative.
Me, I can follow a pattern with the best of them, but I'm not so creative. Except, I think I can match colors pretty good. Anyway, good work.

I want to thank you again for stepping in with this swap. I know it is fun for you but it is extra work. Of course, we all know you like to "do" things and are darn good at it too, I might add.
Love that quilt Darlene!! Great job!

I have a question....anyone out there have a cowboy quilt pattern?
The legs look like horseshoes, the hat is just sunbonnet sue's bonnet with turned up edges...but If there's a pattern, I'd rather have that.
I have a little cowboy's birthday I want to do something with
Hey Wild!! Nice to see you, and see the quilting monster you created??! lol!! Your fault I am sewing everything together in my house, haha!!

I know you all must be sick of seeing this racing quilt, these are the last pics I promise..Except for adding more checkered flag fabric down the sides for width (which I did after these pics) I am finished..just batting, backing (will use a 1/4 red, a 1/4 green, a 1/4 yellow and a 1/4 white for the backing) and some quilting on area that won't cover my pictures Im done! I have some "lap quilts" I am going to make for Christmas too and might get them done in time now that my huge projects are nearly finished!! Promise I won't make you look at mny more pics after these on this quilt, loL! BTW..This is thrown over my daughter's bed, not Travis', kinda girly!!


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