GO AWAY!!!! I don't have the time nor money to working on new quilt patterns!!!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO look at that one
OMG! LOL Me too. Am soooo frustrated! Chihuahua three years ago was a breeze (almost) and a male, which I though was harder to train. This little girl (Shi Tzu) has me pulling my hair out. Harnessing her to me just means we leave a trail all the way to her pad when I pick her up. I got so frustrated this past weekend I went to Petco and got diapers. She takes it off as soon as I put her down and then wees right beside it.
There's really not much time for anything else when you're following a puppy around all day , is there?
We are getting better. Only one accident yesterday but I think that was because my husband was paying more attention to his computer than to her! Today I was napping on the couch (ok, I fell asleep for about 3 hours) and she wasn't tied to the couch as usual. I woke to the lite jingle of her tags and her laying on the floor looking at me like, "Will you wake up, Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze! I've got to go!" I gave her the handsignal for potty/walk, she hopped up and went straight for the door. YEAH!!! When we came back in, I check all over and I haven't found a puddle yet!!!

Do you have an area where you can block her off to the rest of the house. Bathroom, Laundery room? or if you have a little pen. Put her in there with her bed/crate, food and water and piddle pad to the other side. She wont go where she eats and sleeps. After a week give her a bigger area. If she messes up, make it smaller again. She'll learn.

If we have been playing in the house, I will take Katie out right afterward so she can pee. Then I come back in and set the timer for an hour of quieter time, bone chewing, napping etc. When the bell goes off we take a short walk. If she does both of her deeds then we will take a bit of a longer walk. Slowly but surely she is getting it.
It does take patience but the kennel area is a good one as they won't, or normally won't, go where they sleep. I have an almost 15 year old German Shepherd and I've been keeping her in the house when I'm gone due to our 115 F temps. It's just too hot for her outside. She hasn't had an accident yet so she can hold it several hours. Good luck to you both. Sometime in the not to distant future will be training again once my shepherd is no longer with us.
OMG...Ya'll are such trouble makers!!! I can't believe that you would post those links and tempt me so!!! I LOVE THEM!!! There goes another pile of money, that I don't have...but resistance is way to difficult...I need a 12 step program...I can't help myself!!! Ya'll are bad, bad girls!!! LOL
I like that log cabin pumpkins, just above the hen house pattern. Especially the pumpkin on top, where most of the pumpkin is oranges and just the top quarter is golds, like the highlight of sunshine on a pumpkin. It's more of a courthouse steps pattern. I wouldn't mind incorporating that block into a harvest theme quilt, with maple leaves.

I was looking at a snow globes quilt on another site that someone posted, too. That was so cute! I've already gotten back to knitting this fall. I probably need to finish up a couple of knit projects before I start a quilt. The crafting bug always hits me so hard, this time of year!
Welcome to Fabric-aholics. We don't call it Fabric-aholics Annon because everyone knows who we are. They see us
over pages and pages of sewing and quilting threads.

You could call us Fabric-aholics Co-depents. We are known for dangling little tidbits of quilting information out there with pretty pieces of fabric in front of unsuspecting newbies. Just when they take the bait, we snatch them up and they become one of us. Kind of like Stepford Wives, just not subserviant.
Want another dangling of temptation? I found a great apron pattern here, and I made one, it's meant to be reversible, but I made this one with just one layer, though the next ones will be two sided. (In case the bias tape part intimidates you, she's got a great tutorial of how to make bias tape here: )

Here's a picture of mine, it's a little rough, but my next one's will be a little nicer (I hope).
I had fun juxtaposing the vintage fabric with some modern colors!

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