We started out with the Sew Simple machines. About $40 and made for kids when my girls were 7 and 9. They out grew them fast! If you have chicldren really interested in sewing I suggest looking on Craigslist and getting a $20 real machine for them to begin on.
My kids don't have the "sit and stay" needed to do handy things. I on the other hand amazed myself and learned to knit at 5 years old. Crochet was when I was around 10 or so.. I only started sewing as a teenager.

My mom was a volunteer at a convent and taught the girls to knit, my sister was in Grade 1 or 2 at that time, and I went along as I wasn't in school yet - I learned to knit faster than the kids in the class
(probably just kept BUGGING my mother) before the year was up - I had a line of kids coming to me to fix and pick up their stitches..
Yeah as a 5 year old!
My mom was going to wait until I was 10...but when I was 7 or 8 she got caught working some double shifts at the dad was on duty...well he didn't stop me...I made my own Easter dress with zipper and no way was I not have an Easter dress....much to everyone's amazment it turned out fine....the zipper was not exactly perfect....but my very long hair completely disguised mother decided it was so good she didn't try to fix it.....wore it out I was so proud. My advice get a Costco machine...they have at least a 90 day return. My oldest sewed pillow cases and simple 9 patch quilt blocks since she was about 8. The second daughter sewed a pillow case at 4 but is not as interested. The 4 yo has already caused my sewing machine to need a trip to the hospital....knocked something out of a line when I went to the bathroom....I guess LEGO's don't sew well.
If there is anyone close to Greenwood, AR......the Walmarts there is closing out their fabric dept. ALL FABRIC IS 1/2 OFF!!! The saleslady told my mother anything they "cut", was 1/2 off.
How many hours away am I???

If your close...go enjoy.
Chuck you are hilarious!!!! Dude that IS funny!!!!!

Once she's a little farther, I've got several things in mind to make her...quilt for one...and I bought a 'cootie cover' for my children (you put them in it in a shopping cart)...but I saw a pattern for one the other day... anyone make one of these before?

And just WHAT exactly is a "cootie cover"??????!!!!!!!!!!!​
It is a seat cover for a shopping cart so your child is not sitting in the filth of another child.


Wash as needed and you won't have worry about your child picking up gross illnesses.

I kept a spray can of lysol in my truck and sprayed the seat cover after every use.
And just WHAT exactly is a "cootie cover"??????!!!!!!!!!!!

A big bag to put them in so they can't grab stuff off the shelves and put them in the cart, maybe? Some people use duck tape and saran wrap!

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