Those are beautiful quilts. Welcome to the forum as well. Feel free to jump in and join in.
Nice quilts elven and you just drop on in any ol' time

What part of Carolina are you from? I am from Seagrove down below Asheboro.
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Thanks Acres, I live in Rutherford County. Nearly in the foothills, about an hour and half west of Charlotte.

I've heard of Asheboro but never been there. Isn't there a big zoo there?
That's great!

We keep talking about taking the nephews out to the zoo there, but I think Columbia is actually closer to us.... must google that and see some time, lol.
Thanks! I WILL finish it... one day, lol. The cool thing about that quilt is the material.. I have a lot of scraps in there obviously, but some of them actually have bits of meaning. A few are from the silk shirt my husband was wearing when we first met. I will also eventually have piece of my wedding dress in there as well.

I'm soo glad I found this! Now I feel inspired to get back to work sewing! lol

Maybe I'll catch the next block swap.
Here is a link to my latest sewing project - Alice in Wonderland costume design/construction

It's really pic heavy and I didn't want to overload this thread with a million pictures.

Now that I'm done with it, I have been making and collecting some tools for sewing fussy/tailored clothing for myself. I made a grain board, some press cloths, and best of all a stuffed duct tape clone of myself, well the top half anyway. I won't get into how many rolls of duct tape it took
A friend of mine brought back some beautiful silk from India, part of it heavily embroidered, and I am planning on making a top and skirt with it. I'm taking a break from the costuming for a while, those deadlines are killers, and I am going to have fun making some pretty things for myself.

I may quilt something for my upcoming niece/nephew, I love the cathedral window style that someone just posted here, but I suspect it would end up in my unfinished project stash if I started it. Instead i am thinking a pinwheel pattern.
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Wow. Just wow. Those costumes are awesome! That's a lot of work - and you did such a wonderful job.

BTW - you need to correct the link in your url - edit where it says "your link goes here" and put the link in there. Or just remove that and paste the link directly. Hope this makes sense.

Those costumes are something to be proud of! You deserve to do something for yourself now!!!


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