Scrambled. I aim to please, or enable, whichever comes first.
Just a quick little question, then Ill go back to searching and figuring and do you determine how much material you will need? I can see how you will have 3 or 4 or 5 different materials to make a block, but how do you know how to figure how much you need to make your quilt?

There has to be an easy tutorial online, or even a good book on block quilts for total dummies...which is me.
There is a book called "Quilting for Dummies" I actually bought it for a friend. I think Acres posted something for us yesterday. Let me see if I can find it.

ETA--Here you go Fabric Calculator.

See the thing is to buy more fabric than you can possibly use so you can create a stash and trade with other people plus have a huge bag of scraps that you will "someday" use for something.
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Thanks for that calculator. I saved it for when I actually understand what Im doing. Ill go search Amazon for a Quilting for Dummies book. That would have to be a good start, wouldnt you think?
A general rule of thumb:
Nine 12.5 inch blocks can be made with one yard of fabric. You will have a little left over for another project.
Two colors - get 1/2 yard each.
three colors - get 1/3 yard each
4 colors - get 1/4 yard each.

I always add a few inches to the cut at the fabric store just to be on the safe side.....just in case I want to make an extra block.....or to use in a border..... and to build my stash.
I started quilting by just cutting up some fabric and sewing it together. This is the first quilt I ever made.

Most of what I do is applique although I have done log cabin, dresdin plate, friendship star, and maybe one or 2 others. I can't paper peice to save my life. I have tried and tried. They never come out looking the same.

I've got a really easy pattern I can send you that only uses 6 fat quarters and another yard as a border. I think it's called The Yellow Brick Road. It's super easy.

I taught myself to quilt just by reading a couple of magazines and doing it. I'm no expert quilter. Never entered a quilting event or anything like that. (I live in NC, I would be laughed out of the fair!!!) But the ones I've made make my family and friends happy.

For the last 7 or so years, I have been going up to visit a friend of mine in the Waynesville, NC and teaching her and her daughters how to quilt. We started out with a crazy quilt that used nothing but scraps. The girls won first place in the county fair! Every year since they have won the county in their age bracket and one year they won the NC State Fair in their age bracket for best in Show!! I'll have to see if my friend has pictures of the quilts that I can post on here. One has appliqued flipflops--state winner, another is Snoopy done with tracing a picture in the window with perm marker then coloring with crayons and using an iron to remove the wax but leaving the dye behind.

Last year when I was on chemo was the only year we haven't quilted in years. They came here last year and we did a weaving project. They won the county fair again, lol.

Shoot me your snail mail addy and I will send you the pattern. There are tons of patterns online for free too.

Go for it what do you have to loose?

ETA----Hey even if you make an UGLY Quilt, you could enter this contest!!
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