They are going to try and make some baby blankets out of some of the flannel, and some lap blankets for wheelchair bound elderly, and some Mother's day gifts,, I just wish we had more time this year! We only have 5 weeks left of school!
I have a question for all you experienced quilters out there-I am working on a catherdral window quilt-what size of needle should I be using? My daughter is ordering some stitching supplies on line and I looked at the needles-there are so many!!! How do I decide what size to get-also I am using regulare embroiderary thread---should I be using a special quilting thread?
NanaKat, that quilt is going to be amazing! I love it! It is a such a special gift.

17roses, that is cute! I love your son's reaction, though! So funny!

Kate, wow, they really sent you a lot! That is wonderful!

Friends of ours have been helping us work on my truck and they live about 5 hours from us. So, we go down some weekends and stay with them. They've been wonderful to us. So, as part of my thank you gift for them, I made a quilt for their 11 month old daughter. She's also the "foreman" on the truck project, lol!
Here she is... she loves to be in the middle of whatever we are working on!


I tried a disappearing 9-patch for the first time. Here is what it looked like as 9 patch blocks.

Then all cut apart and pieced back together and quilted.

This is the back. I figured the Chevy Bow Tie was appropriate for a signature block. lol.

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