BYC Spring 2009 Quilt Block Swap Signups CLOSED BLOCKS IN MAIL 4/17

Maybe you can share that method with me someday... I've never figured one out to help me with my madness.
Anyone else still trying to choose fabrics? I've been to 2 different quilt shops looking for "inspiration" and nada yet.
I think I may go with fabrics that do not have animals on them, since I have not seen any cute ones yet!!
I picked strawberries and flowers. I don't have any animals on mine. All I could find was dark fabrics with them. I hope it comes out ok. Good luck.
I'm done, finished my last 4 last night, probably get my post office stuff this week and maybe get them all to Amy in a week or so. I hope all you pros forgive the mistakes!! I can look at some and think that's pretty good and others and think, hmmmmmmm that should be alot more even here and there.....if we do this again, I will be better, I definately think this, like crochet, is a practice, practice, practice thing so you learn the consistency of the seam sizes and the I'm sorry my blocks are all so beginner but I have learned alot making them. Probably should have done all 9 patch, I do that one real well but the piecing is what I struggle with so I tried that with all of these to learn it better...anyway..when you make a quilt you can tell folks you were being charitable by putting in the rookie blocks too!
Hey Scrambled I will be proud of my quilt and the fact that so many have made blocks for the first time for this swap. I don't have a lot of quilt experiance but I sure have fun with it and that is what the swap is all about. Fun and learning.

For a more steady even 1/4 inch I took a ruler and put my needle on 1/4 inch and then took a perment marker (after I made sure the ruler was a nice straight line from one end to another) and drew a line on my bobbin plate now I know where my 1/4 inch is at all times. My sister said why a permentent marker you could of done this and that, well that mark won't slip like a this and a that might. Some mark them with post a notes or a bandaid or a peice of tape but the permenant marker worked for me.

Morning all thanks Father Chuck have fun at the stock yards me, I am off to the first rummage sale of the year with 2 of my sisters.

Happy V day ya all
My feature fabrics has chickens on it, but is in "springy" colors.

I appologize for the difficulties we are having with this theme. I should have thought it out better.

Spring means flowers, birds, butterflies, gardening, plowing....not just animals on the farm.
No worries Amy, I just tend to be the indecisive type as a general rule! I have been to a few quilt stores and nothing has inspired me, but I was looking online last night and have seen some good stuff.

How much fabric did you all buy to do 22 blocks? I know it will vary a bit depending on the block, but give me a guesstimate....

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