BYC Spring 2009 Quilt Block Swap Signups CLOSED BLOCKS IN MAIL 4/17

Welcome back Texas!!
Thank you all for everyone's support!! Yes, we are IN IN IN!!! And, I now have a sewing room but without all the "necessary" furniture!! I am hoping that I get started soon. I have TONS of eggs in the bator right now. My mom took it upon herself to make sure I had tons .... lots of good ones. I had ordered from Whitmore and Pasofina myself, and mom got me rock creek quails, gabbard's gcm's and silkies from a Thom Dean??
And I had ONLY two hatch from Funny Farm cuckoos but it was my fault .. the move was hard on them. But I ran out of time and had to do it. On day 20 ...
Dar, You are so funny! Yes, I am definitely doing the "Building BYCville" swap. I have about 1/2 of the guidelines written and just need to finish them up. I think it will be a very popular swap
Maybe even more so than the Spring was.

I'll be watching for your package
what she said

Patience Children, Patience, she said she would do it as soon as she finalizes all the details, you know like all the rules and regulations and the technical stuff. In the meantime, study your patterns, check your stashes, clean your machines, and get ready to cut, piece, sew.
what she said

Patience Children, Patience, she said she would do it as soon as she finalizes all the details, you know like all the rules and regulations and the technical stuff. In the meantime, study your patterns, check your stashes, clean your machines, and get ready to cut, piece, sew.

Yes Mam
Took my blocks to the post office, found 2 palsticy priority mail envelop mailers, the guy charged me $7.83 for postage and made a big deal about not being able to give me a pre-paid sticker for the postage on the envelope I put in the package..said it was over a certain weight and you would not be able to drop it off in the box anyway..has to be taken inside and no pre-postage could be issued for things over that weight, yada yada yada......soooooooo, I put a self-addressed envelope like I sent them in, inside the package and 8 bucks in cash. Priority mail I guess should be there early next week
Sorry for the hassle, SE. The postage put on the return envelope should be in stamps, not printed postage. The cash is fine. That still cost less than the $10 box shipping each way.

So everyone....on the return postage, be sure to get that in stamps and put them on the return envelope.

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