Ended BYC Writing Prompts! A Short Story Contest

Here's my entry. I appreciate any feedback since I am not a native speaker.

Prompt: Poultry

Title: Big Brave

My real name is Henrietta and I was a surprise rooster.

I was so undesired that Mr. Hall didn’t even bother changing my name after he found out that I am a boy.

Oh, he was so disappointed. I was sold as a female little chick at a local store. Mr. Hall bought me thinking that he would have a few extra eggs per week when I matured, but he got morning crows instead.

The crowing was not the problem, though. He felt scammed, perhaps because he wasn’t able to see all I did to take care of his hens when he wasn’t around. I fed them, I helped them look for better places to nest, I protected them from predators.

I didn’t do it for him, though. I did it for the hens: six beautiful Golden Comets who all had a place in my tiny, conic heart.

One day, something terrible happened. I woke up to one of the hens’ screams. I got out of the coop immediately, but it was too late. Something had broken into the run and attacked her. I didn’t know what and I didn’t care. Now that it seemed to be away from us, I only cared about Olivia.

I pecked her on the head insistently, calling her, but she wouldn’t move. As I tried to wrap my mind around the fact that she was gone, I heard Mr. Hall’s voice.

“You son of a…!”

He had gotten out of the house with his rifle in his hands and was pointing at me with a stern look. I stretched my neck in shock and tried to explain that I hadn’t done this, but all he heard was a desperate “buck buck buck”.

He put the rifle aside, but right away he grabbed me by my legs and hung me upside down so that I’d “learn a lesson”. Then, he angrily listed all the crimes that I had committed since I became a rooster: crowing all day long, chasing people away from my territory, and the worst false accusation —hurting Olivia.

I flapped my wings. Yes, I might’ve been rough when trying to mate with my hens, but I certainly loved Olivia more than Mr. Hall did. Why couldn’t he understand this?

He lifted his rifle again.

“Please, no!” I begged.

Olivia was gone, but I had other five hens to protect.

My heart raced as the old man pulled the trigger and I heard the loudest noise ever.

To this day, I don’t know why he chose to shoot the tree instead of me. I mean, he hated me and he had done this kind of thing in the past, as far as I knew. Why had he purposely missed? And why was he trembling?

He grabbed me again and said that we would go for a ride. He put me in a dark bag where I couldn’t see a thing but I could sense the movement of his truck.

Next thing I knew, I was at the side of an empty road. Mr. Hall or his truck was nowhere to be seen. I was alone and scared, and I had the terrible feeling that I wouldn’t be able to go back with my hens.

Humans can travel hundreds of miles with their trucks, and I could barely walk with my scaly feet.

After days of wandering and surviving on my own, a little girl trusted me enough to crouch in front of me. She offered me a treat, and as I accepted it, she smiled and said that I would be her new best friend.

I still miss my hens from time to time, but I have a whole new flock to protect and keep my mind busy. My feet are now healthy, and I don’t feel the need to chase people away from my territory. Turns out, not all humans are bad, and it shouldn’t be normal for us to be scared of them.

Oh, and I was given a new name, one that I like more and fits me better —Big Brave.
Very sweet story
First Entry:

Just the Beginning.
Prompt: Wildlife/animals

Adolpha looked over at the stormy sea bordered by stormy gray skies. Nature, an everlasting struggle. Fights and friendships. Life and death. All swirled together into every wolf's heart. She stood at the edge of the sheer cliff and howled a deep, mournful howl. If only she knew about her brother sooner. She turned to the path leading down the mountain that she had worn after many seasons of coming here. She trudged down and felt big globs of rain fall onto her gray coat. She started to trot down until she reached a cave, her home. A puddle had formed by the entrance and she looked down. A wolf with a new wound on her snout looked up at her. She stepped into the puddle and entered her cave. Her childhood cave that used to be so full of life at this time was empty and cold. She turned around and flopped down. She felt herself going to slee…
“Adolpha! Come here!” She saw her younger brother, Amerock, staring at her. “Alright, I’m coming.” She laughed. She raced up the mountain path till she reached the cliff. She closed her eyes and felt the salty wind dance through her fur. Bliss. “Come on!” She heard Amerock call out to her. She opened her eyes and saw Amerock climbing onto the cliff’s overhang. “Amerock! No! Come down here, now!” She raced up towards Amerock. Too late. He slipped and started tumbling towards the ground. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” She leapt onto the path and bounded to level ground. She searched and searched till she found a wolf laying on the ground . “Amerock, can you hear me?” Amerock gasped his reply. “Adolpha, I hear you. I’ll always hear you.” Adolpha nuzzled his face. “I love you Amerock. I am sorry for everything.” Amerock smiled faintly and licked her nose. “You’re… forgiven.” And with that, he laid his head down for the last time. Adolpha gasped as she opened her eyes. She raced out of her cave as she realized it was just a dream. She felt big, salty tears roll down her face. She felt her paws taking her to her cliff. She cried till she felt her mate nuzzle her. She looked over and sniffled. “I’m sorry. I had a dream.” Vortex’s long gray fur and strong eyes looked back at her. “It’s okay Adolpha.”
“No, it’s not. It’s my fault he’s dead. If I had stopped him…”
“You know you couldn’t have stopped him. Relax.”
Adolpha sighed and looked at her paws. “I guess you’re right.” Vortex licked her and stood up. “I’ll leave you alone for a while. Come down whenever you’re ready.” Adolpha watched him walk away, then traveled to the spot where Amerock died. She expected to see a pile of bones. But Amerock’s body was gone! She heard a howl and turned around slowly, tears of joy brimming in her eyes. She saw a three legged, black wolf looking back at her. His speckled white ears perked forward and he grinned. She raced toward him but he raced away. She ran after him, not realizing that he ran faster than a three-legged wolf ever could. She ran up the mountain again and paused as her brother stopped and stared at her. She walked towards him, but he disappeared out of thin air. She shook her head as other wolves stalked out onto the cliff. She backed away from them. “Who are you?” She said as she tried to keep the tremble out of her voice. “Your pack is dead. Your mate is dead.” They all said together as they walked towards her. She bounded up the rocks and onto the overhang. “They also walked up onto the overhang and growled. “Your brother is dead, you weak dog.” They forced her to the edge of the overhang. Adolpha felt her back paw slip. She quickly corrected her grip and smiled. “You are forgiven” A flash of surprise registered in her killer’s eyes, he hesitated, then jumped when the Alpha snarled,”Come on, you sissy?” Her killer turned back to her and gave her an apologetic look. She smiled and felt him shove her off the overhang. She felt the wind in her fur. So this is what it’s like to fly. She opened her eyes and saw the ground. Somehow, falling to your death wasn’t all that bad. She closed her eyes again and felt a jolt. She opened her eyes and saw a bright light. A wolf came into view. “Adolpha?” The sweet, strong, deep voice she had longed to hear for so many years filled her heart with joy. “Amerock?” She sobbed and raced to her brother. She smelled his sweet smell, felt his soft, fluffy fur, and heard his suppressed whines of joy. “Adolpha, I’m sorry you had to endure all this without me and because of me.” She stared at his watering green eyes and smiled. “You’re forgiven.”
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Third (I think) Entry
This one aint my best one for suresies
Prompt: Fractured Fairy Tale

Jack, the Beanstalk Killer (A Fractured Tale)
I checked my phone. I had three minutes until the getaway car gave up on me. I could make it. I slunk down the thick, spongy stalk. It smelled like dark earth and no regrets. I was getting very close to the end when…
Clunk, Clunk. Then, Shudder. Deep vibrations shook the stalk and my bones. He’d caught up to me.
“You, thief! Come back! Come back with the golden goose!” His voice took on a higher, whiny tone. “Please, that's all I have!”
“What can you do with gold?”
“What can you do? The more gold you add to the human economy, the more worthless it is! That goose is of sentimental value and it’s my wife’s favourite decoration. I’ll pay you to give it back!”
“Not enough for me not to sell it for more!” I jumped the last 10 feet from the Beanstalk, my blood rushing through my ears and tripping me, but not enough to stop me from running to the axe.
“Catch me if you can, blubberlips!”
The giant roared in anger at my insult and began descending the stalk at frightening speed. Fortunately, my noodle arms could pick up the large hatchet and once it was in my hands, I could slice away at that beanstalk.
The giant saw what I was doing and tried to climb back up.
“Too late, ya trunkless elephant!” I stepped out of the way as the beanstalk tipped, swinging towards the ground.
I almost laughed to myself. The giant’s scream… It was almost hilarious, the pitch not low enough to portray fear. But then I heard another. It was Goldie.
Goldie’s car screeched out of my driveway just in time to escape the beanstalk as it crashed through the roof of my garage. Then the scream was my mother’s.
And then it was the sirens.
I sighed, straightening out my leather jacket and smoothing my hair. Dead giant, damaged property? Yep. I could explain this to the cops just fine.
Four weeks and one trial later, I knew that I really couldn’t.
I stared up at my new home for the next two years before I would be transferred to prison at the age of 18. ~Prince John’s Juvenile Detention and Correction Center~ were the words printed coldly and forebodingly in stone on the castle-like structure. I turned to the officer on my right. To my surprise, she was a familiar face.
“It’s Officer Hood, now, Mr. Trott.”
I let out a short laugh, which was a mistake. I couldn’t help it- “Officer Hood” was the most ironic thing I’ve ever heard since Mr. Dumpty.
“Lil’ Red, we were best friends! I think we were even sweethearts in kindergarten-”
“Not that you would remember anything about sweethearts, Mr. Trott, but I’m only here to escort you to your cell.”
“What changed, Red? What made you hate me so bad, huh? Was it something I did?”
“I don’t hate you, I just love my position as an apprentice officer more. Now move it.”
That was enough to shut me up--I could see “Officer Hood” fingering her cattleprod. I sat in my cell later, thinking of how dungeon-like this all was. Who died and made this enforcement system legal? Soon they’d probably tell me I was to be fed to the alligators in the moat. The food was mediocre and I was forced to wear the most unfashionable blue t-shirts. (My leather jacket had been confiscated.)
How am I going to stand out? I thought, night after night, staring at the beige ceiling. I stole a goose that lays golden eggs and killed a giant, but nothing is going to come of it!
My cell mates probably thought I was in for stealing a loaf of bread or pushing Mr. Dumpty off of the wall. I rolled my eyes at the thought. No, this is wrong! I am the man. I am Jack Trott and I am the one who was going to go down in history.
I stood up, fully prepared to tell my story in graphic detail, when I heard a banging in the vents. Several of the inmates in the cell looked up.
“Did you hear something?” Grimm Scribbler said, squinting his evil eyes at me.
“Uh, no, I was just heading to the bathroom.”
“Don’t go- I’m going first.” Scribbler was obviously trying to pick a fight, when he thought he was stronger than me. I didn’t take it. My cell mates always wanted to stir this sort of thing up.
“Go then!” I said.
“Me next!” Crowe said, and then the other two boys in the cell jostled for the door too. They were trying to annoy me, but I didn’t care. They were all gone, and I could investigate the banging in the vents.
“Hello?” Standing on my bed, I could reach for the vent and shout in.
A voice came from it. A feminine voice, but a voice that I recognized.
“Jack, you idiot, you almost wrecked the getaway car!” The vent came loose and the cover fell off. And then I saw her. For the first time in forever--about a week--I saw her beautiful gilded curly hair, her dark lips and her childlike face, but her black eyes and gentle bruising portrayed something much darker.
“Jack! They caught you, you said you wouldn’t get caught!”
“At least you didn’t!”
“I will be caught, if you don’t get in the vent right now. Do you want me to end up like you, stuck in Mother Hubbard’s School for Criminally Insane Girls?”
I grinned at my partner and scrambled into the vent. If my legs were scraped on the rough walls on the way up, it was the cement rash of freedom.
Now that Jack Trott and Goldilocks Ursae were back together, the sky giants never stood a chance.
First Entry:

Adolpha looked over at the stormy sea bordered by stormy gray skies. Nature, an everlasting struggle. Fights and friendships. Life and death. All swirled together into every wolf's heart. She stood at the edge of the sheer cliff and howled a deep, mournful howl. If only she knew about her brother sooner. She turned to the path leading down the mountain that she had worn after many seasons of coming here. She trudged down and felt big globs of rain fall onto her gray coat. She started to trot down until she reached a cave, her home. A puddle had formed by the entrance and she looked down. A wolf with a new wound on her snout looked up at her. She stepped into the puddle and entered her cave. Her childhood cave that used to be so full of life at this time was empty and cold. She turned around and flopped down. She felt herself going to slee…
“Adolpha! Come here!” She saw her younger brother, Amerock, staring at her. “Alright, I’m coming.” She laughed. She raced up the mountain path till she reached the cliff. She closed her eyes and felt the salty wind dance through her fur. Bliss. “Come on!” She heard Amerock call out to her. She opened her eyes and saw Amerock climbing onto the cliff’s overhang. “Amerock! No! Come down here, now!” She raced up towards Amerock. Too late. He slipped and started tumbling towards the ground. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” She leapt onto the path and bounded to level ground. She searched and searched till she found a wolf laying on the ground . “Amerock, can you hear me?” Amerock gasped his reply. “Adolpha, I hear you. I’ll always hear you.” Adolpha nuzzled his face. “I love you Amerock. I am sorry for everything.” Amerock smiled faintly and licked her nose. “You’re… forgiven.” And with that, he laid his head down for the last time. Adolpha gasped as she opened her eyes. She raced out of her cave as she realized it was just a dream. She felt big, salty tears roll down her face. She felt her paws taking her to her cliff. She cried till she felt her mate nuzzle her. She looked over and sniffled. “I’m sorry. I had a dream.” Vortex’s long gray fur and strong eyes looked back at her. “It’s okay Adolpha.”
“No, it’s not. It’s my fault he’s dead. If I had stopped him…”
“You know you couldn’t have stopped him. Relax.”
Adolpha sighed and looked at her paws. “I guess you’re right.” Vortex licked her and stood up. “I’ll leave you alone for a while. Come down whenever you’re ready.” Adolpha watched him walk away, then traveled to the spot where Amerock died. She expected to see a pile of bones. But Amerock’s body was gone! She heard a howl and turned around slowly, tears of joy brimming in her eyes. She saw a three legged, black wolf looking back at her. His speckled white ears perked forward and he grinned. She raced toward him but he raced away. She ran after him, not realizing that he ran faster than a three-legged wolf ever could. She ran up the mountain again and paused as her brother stopped and stared at her. She walked towards him, but he disappeared out of thin air. She shook her head as other wolves stalked out onto the cliff. She backed away from them. “Who are you?” She said as she tried to keep the tremble out of her voice. “Your pack is dead. Your mate is dead.” They all said together as they walked towards her. She bounded up the rocks and onto the overhang. “They also walked up onto the overhang and growled. “Your brother is dead, you weak dog.” They forced her to the edge of the overhang. Adolpha felt her back paw slip. She quickly corrected her grip and smiled. “You are forgiven” A flash of surprise registered in her killer’s eyes, he hesitated, then jumped when the Alpha snarled,”Come on, you sissy?” Her killer turned back to her and gave her an apologetic look. She smiled and felt him shove her off the overhang. She felt the wind in her fur. So this is what it’s like to fly. She opened her eyes and saw the ground. Somehow, falling to your death wasn’t all that bad. She closed her eyes again and felt a jolt. She opened her eyes and saw a bright light. A wolf came into view. “Adolpha?” The sweet, strong, deep voice she had longed to hear for so many years filled her heart with joy. “Amerock?” She sobbed and raced to her brother. She smelled his sweet smell, felt his soft, fluffy fur, and heard his suppressed whines of joy. “Adolpha, I’m sorry you had to endure all this without me and because of me.” She stared at his watering green eyes and smiled. “You’re forgiven.”
Thank you for your entry. Can you edit your post and add the prompt and the title at the top?
Third (I think) Entry
This one aint my best one for suresies
Prompt: Fractured Fairy Tale

Jack, the Beanstalk Killer (A Fractured Tale)
I checked my phone. I had three minutes until the getaway car gave up on me. I could make it. I slunk down the thick, spongy stalk. It smelled like dark earth and no regrets. I was getting very close to the end when…
Clunk, Clunk. Then, Shudder. Deep vibrations shook the stalk and my bones. He’d caught up to me.
“You, thief! Come back! Come back with the golden goose!” His voice took on a higher, whiny tone. “Please, that's all I have!”
“What can you do with gold?”
“What can you do? The more gold you add to the human economy, the more worthless it is! That goose is of sentimental value and it’s my wife’s favourite decoration. I’ll pay you to give it back!”
“Not enough for me not to sell it for more!” I jumped the last 10 feet from the Beanstalk, my blood rushing through my ears and tripping me, but not enough to stop me from running to the axe.
“Catch me if you can, blubberlips!”
The giant roared in anger at my insult and began descending the stalk at frightening speed. Fortunately, my noodle arms could pick up the large hatchet and once it was in my hands, I could slice away at that beanstalk.
The giant saw what I was doing and tried to climb back up.
“Too late, ya trunkless elephant!” I stepped out of the way as the beanstalk tipped, swinging towards the ground.
I almost laughed to myself. The giant’s scream… It was almost hilarious, the pitch not low enough to portray fear. But then I heard another. It was Goldie.
Goldie’s car screeched out of my driveway just in time to escape the beanstalk as it crashed through the roof of my garage. Then the scream was my mother’s.
And then it was the sirens.
I sighed, straightening out my leather jacket and smoothing my hair. Dead giant, damaged property? Yep. I could explain this to the cops just fine.
Four weeks and one trial later, I knew that I really couldn’t.
I stared up at my new home for the next two years before I would be transferred to prison at the age of 18. ~Prince John’s Juvenile Detention and Correction Center~ were the words printed coldly and forebodingly in stone on the castle-like structure. I turned to the officer on my right. To my surprise, she was a familiar face.
“It’s Officer Hood, now, Mr. Trott.”
I let out a short laugh, which was a mistake. I couldn’t help it- “Officer Hood” was the most ironic thing I’ve ever heard since Mr. Dumpty.
“Lil’ Red, we were best friends! I think we were even sweethearts in kindergarten-”
“Not that you would remember anything about sweethearts, Mr. Trott, but I’m only here to escort you to your cell.”
“What changed, Red? What made you hate me so bad, huh? Was it something I did?”
“I don’t hate you, I just love my position as an apprentice officer more. Now move it.”
That was enough to shut me up--I could see “Officer Hood” fingering her cattleprod. I sat in my cell later, thinking of how dungeon-like this all was. Who died and made this enforcement system legal? Soon they’d probably tell me I was to be fed to the alligators in the moat. The food was mediocre and I was forced to wear the most unfashionable blue t-shirts. (My leather jacket had been confiscated.)
How am I going to stand out? I thought, night after night, staring at the beige ceiling. I stole a goose that lays golden eggs and killed a giant, but nothing is going to come of it!
My cell mates probably thought I was in for stealing a loaf of bread or pushing Mr. Dumpty off of the wall. I rolled my eyes at the thought. No, this is wrong! I am the man. I am Jack Trott and I am the one who was going to go down in history.
I stood up, fully prepared to tell my story in graphic detail, when I heard a banging in the vents. Several of the inmates in the cell looked up.
“Did you hear something?” Grimm Scribbler said, squinting his evil eyes at me.
“Uh, no, I was just heading to the bathroom.”
“Don’t go- I’m going first.” Scribbler was obviously trying to pick a fight, when he thought he was stronger than me. I didn’t take it. My cell mates always wanted to stir this sort of thing up.
“Go then!” I said.
“Me next!” Crowe said, and then the other two boys in the cell jostled for the door too. They were trying to annoy me, but I didn’t care. They were all gone, and I could investigate the banging in the vents.
“Hello?” Standing on my bed, I could reach for the vent and shout in.
A voice came from it. A feminine voice, but a voice that I recognized.
“Jack, you idiot, you almost wrecked the getaway car!” The vent came loose and the cover fell off. And then I saw her. For the first time in forever--about a week--I saw her beautiful gilded curly hair, her dark lips and her childlike face, but her black eyes and gentle bruising portrayed something much darker.
“Jack! They caught you, you said you wouldn’t get caught!”
“At least you didn’t!”
“I will be caught, if you don’t get in the vent right now. Do you want me to end up like you, stuck in Mother Hubbard’s School for Criminally Insane Girls?”
I grinned at my partner and scrambled into the vent. If my legs were scraped on the rough walls on the way up, it was the cement rash of freedom.
Now that Jack Trott and Goldilocks Ursae were back together, the sky giants never stood a chance.
Lol, we always think of Jack as a hero but he’s really just a robber. (As he is portrayed in Puss and Boots.)

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