BYC'er ON TRIAL! *** UPDATE*** and Video pg 2

She asked me to tell everyone thankyou for the support and keep it up!!!
I have a feeling that once she thins out a little and get's rid a the roos people will shut-up and leave her alone! I hope so for her sake! I have a neighbor who just complained for the first time about my rooster-I told them there are no rules or ordinances that I have to follow-so they will have to deal with my crowing rooster-espcially since I have to deal with the way their hosue looks! It is all in aluminum siding! spaceship!!!
I think it would have gotten more notice in the "Local Chicken Laws & Ordinances (and how to change them)" section. And maybe also on your "Where are You" thread (most states have them).
i think its cuz the boards have been slow IMO. ed harris... remember him?? he has posted a problem too and no one is respondin to that either
Whoever wrote that article was not only biased, but misinformed. They thought roosters were needed to get eggs, and that 'one rooster could do the job', without giving any thought to roosters as flock guardians and fathers of all those fluffy chicks
. Good luck with your chicken fight!
An update:
Vermont town gives ax to woman's chickens
AP - Wednesday, September 09, 2009 9:29:00 AM
A Vermont town has given the ax to a woman's fledgling chicken business after neighbors complained about wandering birds and loud roosters. Board members in Barre on Tuesday ordered Kathy Rubalcaba to pay $600 in fines, get rid of all but one of her roosters and keep her chickens penned up.
Rubalcaba denied a neighbor's claims that her chickens were responsible for some property damage. She did say that has clipped her chickens' wings and installed a taller fence. She raises the chickens for her egg business "layed in Vermont."
She didn't deny her roosters occasionally make noise. Neighbors said the crowing was far worse than that.
The Times Argus reported the board found evidence to believe Rubalcaba's chickens and roosters had violated provisions of the town's "Nuisance Control Ordinance."
Information from: The Times Argus,

think Kathy Rubalcaba has more than bent over backwards to mollify these neighbors. Maybe she should give them deals on fresh eggs...
Well, this one is difficult. a quarter of an acre is not enough land to raise that many birds.

However, that best part of the article was:

The 100-bird estimate doesn't count the two chicks that hatched early Monday afternoon in one of the three egg-filled incubators that are humming away in the corner of Rubalcaba's dining room, or the ones currently residing in the large cardboard box on her front porch.

I would say, she has the "illness".
When I get a chance, I will write and post what's happening here with updates. In the meantime, there is actually about 70 chickens here and 40 of those are between the ages of 2 weeks and 3 months. So, a 1/4 acre really is enough. And remember, too, they hatch and are sold, so not every bird that hatches here stays here. There is much more to this story than what has been told and one day, I promise, I'll fill everyone in. In the meantime, it is well!
Until then.....
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