Ended BYC's 2021 Spooktacular Halloween Hatch-Along—How Many Does it Take to Make the Wicked Witch's Brew? We Can Count... Can you?

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Aug 17, 2018
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BYC's 2021 Spooktacular Halloween Hatch-Along
How Many Does it Take to Make the Wicked Witch's Brew?
We Can Count... Can you?

These 'counting' contests will happen every Sunday and the final contest will happen on Halloween.

This contest will start 10/24/2021 at 12 noon Eastern Time

How to enter:
For this contest, guess how many quail eggs are in the container pictured below and reply to this thread with your guess.

The rules:
  • This contest is open to all BYC members, not just Halloween HAL participants.
  • The closest guess to the number of quail eggs wins.
  • Whole number guesses only.
  • You can change your guess IF IT IS NOT TAKEN, but if you choose another number, you allow someone else to take your previous guess.
  • You can change your guess as many times as you want until 10/24/2021 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time).
  • ONE guess per post. NO EDITS, if you want to pick a new number (that hasn't already been chosen) post a new message.
  • All BYC rules apply: Terms of Service (Rules)
  • Entries will be accepted until 10/24/2021 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.
  • The winner will be announced on Monday unless the correct guess is made sooner!
New rule - Please do not make a new guess until @muddy75, @Wickedchicken6, @Kiki, or @casportpony, gives you a reaction. If you get a
from one of us, go ahead and guess again. If you get a
, it means you won!

This Google spreadsheet cheatsheet will be updated as often as possible. Please check it *and* search this thread before entering your number.

First PlaceA 6-month PFM ($35 value) for yourself or a friend.

If you have not yet joined us at BYC's 2021 Spooktacular Halloween Hatch-a-Long, click HERE and come say hi!

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@-ChickenLover-, @007Sean, @1Matt, @1muttsfan, @2 many chickens, @2000096904, @21hens-incharge, @3KillerBs, @4 little chickens, @416bigbore, @4yearsofchickens, @50-45-1, @5ChicksInTheCity, @9SpiceyChickens, @Abriana, @AccidentalFarm, @achiekitty, @ackie, @Acre4Me, @Ada06, @Aflanders, @AgnesGray, @akdunn, @Alaskaliz, @alecmunni, @Alex S, @Ali_Howard, @aliciaplus3, @Allsfairinloveandbugs, @AltonaAcres, @alwaysthere4chickens, @Alyssa-Bee, @Amateur-chicken-mama, @Amer, @AmesHillFarm, @andyhilton27, @Angileen, @Anime2lover, @Ann With A Plan, @Anne02, @Aria, @Arkhams Joker, @AstroDuck, @AusHen, @Awakening Forest, @awesomeayams, @Ayam Cemani Mommy, @Azureduckchick, @azygous, @B40chick, @Baby Clucker, @Backyard Dacks, @backyard pigeons, @BantammChick, @bantamsrmyfav, @BantyChooks, @BarredRockMom, @Battles house, @Battles house, @BCPFarm, @BDutch, @Beachcomber, @beccaWA, @Beer can, @beluga3858, @BennieAnTheJets, @berryncherry, @BesideStillWaters, @beth1004, @bibaismyfavchicken, @BielefelderHen, @Big Doggie, @BigBlueHen53, @BigFuzzball, @Bigtom Turkey, @Bird_Lover_17, @BirdsBeesTrees, @black_cat, @blackandtan, @BLACKCATFARM, @Blazegglo, @BlueBaby, @Bodenhamer, @Bogtown Chick, @BokBokBeginner, @bonz4bon, @bpoore04, @Brahmachicken240, @briarandwillow, @BrickCoop15, @Brooklynfarmer, @BTS, @BuckeyeAmy69, @BudandBranch, @Buffbrahmasforever, @BullChick, @BulldogsandChickens, @Bunbun0412, @Bunnybryn, @Butterscotchbitesfinger, @ButtonHoarder, @BY Bob, @BYC910, @CadenceRose, @CaliFarmsAR, @CaramelKittey, @CaroChickenMom, @CarpCharacin, @casportpony, @cassie123, @CatWhisperer, @cavemanrich, @Cazook, @Ceciliasflock, @Cecisflock, @cfremder, @Cgirl74, @chanceosunshine, @CharlemagneRoost, @checkingon, @Checota, @cheepteach, @cheezenkwackers, @cherrynberry, @Chick-N-Fun, @Chicka_deee, @ChickConcierge, @Chicken Chicken Love, @Chicken_loverXx, @chicken1234, @chicken3fly, @Chickena, @ChickenCanoe, @chickendaddybill, @chickenfarmergal, @Chickengal_12, @ChickenGirl300, @chickenlittle21, @chickenlover007, @Chickenman MAN, @Chickens aa ron, @Chickens_123, @Chickens_321, @ChickensForEggs2500, @ChickenShenanigans, @Chickeria, @ChickForLife, @Chickichickichoo, @Chickie friend, @chickiebaby1, @Chickies11, @chickisoup, @chickmamato7, @chicks13, @Chickstarrs, @Chiknsrcool, @Chinchillafuzzy, @CHlCKEN, @ChocolateMouse, @Chookchicken, @Chookwagn, @chrissynemetz, @CindyinSD, @Cinnamon11, @cinnamoncockatiel, @CIuck, @CJLR, @clayton Knight, @Clearwater Chicken, @cleoandtheflock, @cluckcluckhens, @CluckerFamily, @cluckmecoop7, @CluckNDoodle, @CoachAlangley, @Conan, @cooingdove, @Corbdee, @countryladyNH, @CrazyChicken Lady, @crazychicken-chickk, @CrazyChookChookLady, @CrazyCochin, @CrazyCrttr75, @Cre8joy, @Crestcrazy, @Crestcrazy2, @crittercaretech, @Croco Rico, @CSAchook, @CSolis, @Cupcake1243, @CyndieRauls, @Cynthia12, @Daisy Quail, @Daisyduck1, @DaisyG2317, @DallasChickyMomma, @DancingDucks, @Dancingwnature, @dandiducks, @Danish aseels, @DariaAK, @DatCampG, @David Barkey, @David61, @dawg53, @Dawnwolf1234, @dbtcowgirl, @DeathlayerDreams, @DebbieDee, @Decoyman, @Deenok, @deidreg, @Delmer_B, @denisern06, @Derangedplanet, @Devyn Nagy, @Di's Ladys, @Dingleberry, @DLaw33, @DobieLover, @Docdetective, @doflamingo23, @DogAndCat36, @Don 27, @donddon, @Donna McDuckface, @Dottie the Chicken, @Dpyskaty325, @Draconias, @Dragonwolfmastr, @Drex Chick, @Droneandchicken, @drstratton, @drumstick diva, @duck3241, @Duckbreeder2020, @DuckDuckSook, @Duckee, @DucksAreBest, @ducksinvt, @dugue4, @eggsandhens, @EggSighted4Life, @eggspecto_patronum, @ejtrout31, @ekeating, @electrycmonk, @elizabethu42, @Ellies5Ducks, @em_dawson, @EmmaRainboe, @Emmytheduckgirl, @EndeyPonychicken, @Enn, @Enthusiast, @erlibrd, @Everose, @EverythingDucks, @Faraday40, @FarmerGirl101, @FarmerKayy, @Farmgirl1878, @Feath3rDust3r, @Feathered_Texans, @FeatheredFriends&Horses2, @Featheredwonderment, @featherhead007, @Feathers Brady, @Finnie, @Fishychix, @Fizabee, @FlightyChicken, @flindaran, @Flockincrazy, @FloorCandy, @Fluffs_flock, @FluffyBottomBantams, @fluffybutchickenhouse, @FluffyLambs, @FluffySilkie, @FlyingNunFarm, @Folly's place, @ForeverFactor, @FortCluck, @ForTheLoveOfSilkies, @FrankieDoodle, @Frankiegirl, @frostic, @Fuchsia, @fuentemoon, @Fuzzy Chicky Mama, @Gallinarium, @gardengal32, @GC-Raptor, @Geckolady, @GemmaGA, @geno 9129, @GermanKennhuhn, @getaclue, @gimmie birdies, @Gingerbroad, @GingTato, @Ginmary, @Goatlover223, @gointothebirdsfarm, @goldbean, @Gonzalezfam, @Gooseface, @gottasing53, @Grammy60, @Granny Hatchet, @Gray Farms, @Gypsylion, @h2oratt, @Hanathehappyhen, @HappyClucker7, @HappyDuckie, @Hardheadedgypsy, @Harmony84, @hayley3, @HeaterCW42, @HeatherKellyB, @Hei 20, @Heiser Homestead, @Hendrika, @Henriettachickenhouse, @Hidrainja4, @HiEverybirdy, @HKG, @hmarg06, @HMR83, @homeschoolin momma, @HomesteaderWife, @Honora, @HOTchick916, @Hrseluvr, @HuffleClaw, @human1, @humblehillsfarm, @hysop, @I love my ducks34, @igorsMistress, @Ihavesomechickens, @ILoveBabySilkies, @ILoveDaffy, @Iluveggers, @Ineke9909, @INNOCENT85, @Irishmom80, @Irolita, @Isaac 0, @Isadora, @IslandChickens12356, @iustin, @J99, @JacinLarkwell, @JadeFarms, @JaeG, @janiedoe, @Janj76, @JCaseyHammond, @jeapa, @JedJackson, @Jenilynchickmom, @Jenna_Grace, @Jenthehen127, @JenWillo, @JessaDee, @Jessicasflock, @JewelBirds, @jewelg, @JFire82, @jgessentials, @jnicholes, @jnj3225, @Johnson10556, @jolenesdad, @Josh L., @jtn42248, @Jules929, @JustAChickenLoverOverHere, @JustBabyMargo, @JustLook, @Justso, @jwlee, @K0k0shka, @KalahariFerrari, @KaLe dA QuAiL, @Katie4098, @Katiewshrum, @Katniss_Everdeen, @Kaytlin, @kcan2, @Kellyjenny, @kelseyk, @kelzey, @Kevin J, @Kewe, @Kgbao, @Kiki, @kikiruru, @KingB, @kinkajou34, @KiwiandPeachthePigeons, @Kk Augy, @Knighstar679, @krowl, @KsKingBee, @ktomacie, @Lacy Duckwing, @Ladies-Eight, @LadiesAndJane, @LadyCluck77, @LaFemmeKatia, @LaFleche, @LapisLazuli, @Laura_BelgianBantams_63, @Lay-A Organic, @Leahs Coop, @Legacy Farms, @Lesabrowning, @LikeTurkeys, @Lilysbackgardenchickens, @Little Baby Bean, @Little Coop on Salt Creek, @littledog, @LittleRaptorLadies, @Liz Birdlover, @LizzzyJo, @lloges0127, @lnsoaps, @Love my chickens 25, @LozzyR, @Lumikko, @Lydia Huizenga, @Lydia Suzanne, @M-H-Fielding, @Madhouse Pullet, @Madi131, @Malcolme2204, @MamaSug, @MandaRae, @mandi427, @manwhereru, @marchick, @Marie2020, @MarkJr, @Martha in missouri, @Mas155752, @Matejka, @mckaylaburgess, @MCW, @Meara, @Meg-in-MT, @Melky, @Mewcycle, @MFRcoop, @MGG, @Miami Leghorn, @micstrachan, @MidnightMaran, @Mike bird nerd, @Minidinochickens, @Minky, @MiRaCuLoUs, @Misfits Farm 92, @Miss Lydia, @Missa4848, @MissMonty, @Missyvonne80, @Misty_H, @Mmanist, @Molpet, @Montanagirl26, @MrChicken54, @MROO, @mschickiemama, @mtranchgirl20, @muddy75, @Mvan42, @My2butterflies, @mymilliefleur, @MysteryChicken, @N F C, @Nabiki, @NanaKat, @natyvidal, @Nendei, @Nero70002, @Newfowler1, @NewToChickenz, @Nick19, @Nifty-Chicken, @NightTheSmolHen, @Nivlektwin, @Nksg75, @NorthernMidwestCluckies, @NotAFarm, @NuggetTheChicken, @nuthatched, @OceanWaves, @Old-clucker-55, @Oldhallchicks, @oldhenlikesdogs, @OliversGrandma, @OneMountainAcres, @orloffer, @Orpingtons Mom, @orrpeople, @Ourtinyfarm, @Overo Mare, @owlbaby, @Papa John59, @Parront, @Patriot1672, @PDXJULES, @Peaches Lee, @Pecos52, @Peep_Show, @Peggyjom, @PegsEggs, @pennyJo1960, @Pensmaster, @Pentatonchix, @PETLOVER07, @PetuniaAcres, @Phneyda, @piminuse, @PioneerChicks, @pipdzipdnreadytogo, @PippinTheChicken, @Poco Pollo, @PolishAllTheWay, @pony007, @Pork Pie, @Poultry mum, @Poultrybonkers, @pozees2, @preciouschick, @Pretty Birds, @prettylittlehens, @Pridmore68, @pullarius, @Pullet Press, @punknchick, @Pyxis, @Qusba coop, @R2elk, @rae-dusoleil, @RainbowHen, @Rainkore, @Rammy, @RatNC, @RaZ, @Razadia, @rebeccaH86, @RebeccaRN, @RebelEgger, @RedneckAccountant, @redriding, @Reiki Rooster, @reluctant farmer, @Rhodebar Lover, @RIR chicks, @Riv-6, @RiverOtter, @RiverStorm, @rjohns39, @rkadish, @Rlindsey, @rocking chickens, @Rondack, @RondZee, @ronkonkoma, @ronott1, @room onthebroom, @RoosterML, @RoostersAreAwesome, @RoosterWhisperer, @rosemarythyme, @Rosyboa12, @Rshumpal, @Ruby Rogue, @Ruffled Feathers, @RUNuts, @Rusty Roosterman, @RWCp, @Rysktal, @rzapata, @S J, @Saaniya, @Sabahbeydoun, @Sablehaven, @SabongStuff, @Sadness Child, @Sahraschweiss, @Saint Albans, @Saintpaulia334, @Sally Sunshine, @Sammi_0411, @samshan21, @Sapphire Sebright, @Sassysouth, @sayga, @SBFChickenGirl, @Scissors65, @sealer39, @seeingreen, @sekeyslaks, @Self sufficient chickens, @SerrarGett, @shaila, @ShannonsChimkens, @SharW75, @shawluvsbirds, @SheaLoner, @Shellbiey, @shineandrise, @Show Sebright, @Shyon, @Silkies for life, @SilkiesnFrizzle, @Silviaschicks, @Skyle, @SlickyChicky, @slippednfell, @smfarman, @SnapdragonQ, @Sommano, @sourland, @spartacus_63, @STACEYH, @StackedSfarms, @Starburst, @starri33, @StinkyAcres, @stormgirl82, @Strange Hatter Farms, @StuckeyFarm, @Suburban-nite, @Sue Gremlin, @SueT, @SulkyBantam, @sunbursts, @Sunshine_Chick, @Susan1981lic, @swampfox440, @sweaterthebroodyrooster, @sybonbon, @Taylorpolly, @Tesumph, @Texas Transplant, @The Cave, @The Cottages, @The Gardening Chick, @The Happster, @The Kooky Kiwi, @The Moonshiner, @The Okie Chicken Lady, @The Phantom, @The_Patriot5150, @the3quail, @thedarkest1, @TheDawg, @TheOddOneOut, @theoldchick, @TheTravelBags, @TJAnonymous, @Tom4722, @topochico225, @Tre3hugger, @tribalacres, @tripletfeb, @Trisseh, @truchickendiva, @TurtletheCoturnix, @Two Eggs In One Yolk, @TwoCrows, @Ugadawgs4, @Ursuline Chick, @UThobbyfarmer, @Vacman, @ValerieJ, @ValerieLovesChickens, @vall, @Vantic, @Verna Y, @VickiesChicks, @Vickischics, @Viksceeks, @WallacetheKhakiCampbell, @WalnutTree, @Waterfowllady, @Waves, @WaveyCreekChickens, @webmistress32, @Wee Farmer Sarah, @Weeg, @West-Gin Farm, @WestTNriverrat, @wf1992, @whatsthequestion, @WhatTheDuckingDuck, @Wickedchicken6, @WILIFORD, @Willie_from_MN, @Willow2253, @Willowhisp, @Willowstream, @woodlandsystem, @Wormhunter, @WthrLady, @WVchikinz, @WVduckchick, @wyochick10, @Xouie, @yakitori, @Yard Bird Mania, @yesterDAYNE, @Yorkshire Coop, @zubayer204
Come check out the contest that is starting tomorrow at 12 noon Eastern Time!
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