**** C S R A Group ****

Hi Terri! I still want RIR eggs to set for Deb.

I sure hope the weather is nice on the 5th.
I was out in shorts yesterday morning and by the time to fling scratch, I had on sweats. By the time to close coops, I had added a jacket ---BRRR, wet,windy, and cold!

Had a new *project* girl start laying this week, a splash Frizzle (Frizz-'Aucana):

and her first 3 eggs (center top):

Several other spring-hatched girls started laying in the last week or so, but none quite so exciting to me.


I'm here in the CSRA!

I have Silkies (currently working on paint, lav, and porcelain projects,) bantam Cochins, and a few odds and ends! LOL!

I also work at Tractor Supply in Augusta, so if you shop there, come say hi!

Looking forward to the Chicken Stock I just learned about today. (I work there, you would have thought I'd have heard by now!!)

Nice to "meet" you all!
Lisa, your frizzle chicken looks like something from a Dr. Suess book!
I love it!!!

I may need some help with figuring whether the Ameraucanas I hatched from your flock are hens or roos. Can you believe thy are 10 weeks old already!! I'll try to get some pics soon.

If anyone is interested in Ameraucana roos from Lisa's (DipsyDoodleDoo) flock, I'm pretty sure I have several. There is one blue chick that I'm positive is a roo because he is BOSS!
Thanks everyone for the information. I have so much to learn. This is my husband and I first time trying to raise chickens. I am such a newbie at this. Wish I would of known this board existed 10 months ago. I can't wait till the meet so I can get more information and find my lucky girl some companions. I put her back in the coop last night cause she seemed restless in the cage in the house. I checked on her this morning and this afternoon and she seems fine, lonely but fine.

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