**** C S R A Group ****

You all are gonna get sick of me, but my husband brought up a good question last night. Do we need to place a heater/heat lamp/some form of heat in the coop for the winter. We did build them a nice big coop (roughly 8L x 8h x 4W). We put a 2 ft by 18" (I think) vent at the top and covered the outside of it with chicken wire so that the coop wouldn't get to hot in the summer. They have access to a run that is roughly 10'x8' ( I don't remember the exact measurements). In the coop, we do have a three rung roost for them and some laying boxes. I had pine shavings on the floor, but it really wasn't deep and needs to be redone. I was looking at buying some stray to put down, but can't find anywhere that has straw. Needless to say, he asked last night if he needs to work on running electriciy out there. Bear with me, I am a newbie at this as this is our first year having chickens and feel like a total failure so far!

This will be my first Winter, but from what I have read our winters should be mild enough for them to survive with their feathers.
This will be my first Winter, but from what I have read our winters should be mild enough for them to survive with their feathers

That is what I was thinking, but my husband worries sometimes. He is like me and too much of an animal lover. He doesn't like to see anything suffer. They are fully feathered. I will try and post some pictures...​
I have had chickens for a little over a year now. Last year we did not use a heater. I put lots of hay down on the ground and in the nesting boxes. Are coops are Aluminum sheds. We got them at Sears. Ours did really well. We had waterer's freeze but other than that they did great. Good luck.
This will be my first Winter, but from what I have read our winters should be mild enough for them to survive with their feathers.

They should be fine
. You can always go out there on a cold night and see how the coop feels, but as long as they're snuggling together they should be good.
Dipsy do you have any pics of your serama? Do you only have the wheaten? I git my first pair this past weekend but would like to add to what I have. Do you have any for sale right now? I would prefer some that are atleast 2-3 months old if possible.
I've got a trio outside (about 8 or 9 weeks-old, I think). The rest are younger and still inside. All my Serama are wheaten / barred wheaten.
I'll get pics of them asap --- hopefully today.
And pics of the Silkie youngsters for Debbienmousey (I didn't forget you).
As long as they have a place to stay dry and out of the wind, they will be perfectly fine if they are fully feathered. Make sure you have a perch that is wide enough for them to squat and cover their feet and legs with their body feathers, a 2X4 is wide enough. Feathers are great insulators!! After you have looked aroound this site for a while, you will see pics of chickens wandering around in the snow, perfectly happy. Northern coops go thru the winter with no heat. They are much hardier than you would imagine. They are certianly hardier than me! .......stan

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