**** C S R A Group ****

That's called the 'Hokey Pokey'!!
. ......stan
Looks like Sat is going to be a GLORIOUS day weatherwise (crosses fingers that the forecast doesn't change).
Any new developments?
I was thinking of bringing stuff for the kids to make 'Christmas egg-ornaments' --- anyone with kids coming that would be interested in that?
I posted the birds you said you would have on the chickenstock first page. Please let me know if I missed anyone.
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Yikes! I was down mid-morning studying a pen of youngsters and and I heard the bluejays off in the woods start fussing. I thought the Jays were probably fussing at a hawk so I sat still and listened to hear whether they were moving closer. The Jays came on in screeching, and the squirrells set up their alarm and ran for cover. The Rocks in the fartherest pen all of a sudden went crazy. Harold, the rooster, jumped to the top of the gate and the girls all jumped on top of the coop --- all of them cluckingscreechingcrowing like mad. I could see their fenceline, but couldn't see what they saw, the youngsters in the pen ran in their coop, and everyone else already went to coop or is screaming alarm.
I sat tight for another second and raised up to look beyond the coop and there was a coyote walking the back fence (electric fence). I ducked back down to see what it would do ---out at 10:30 in the morning, coyote might be rabid? I could see it coming down the fenceline and the chickens were freaking out (roosters crowing is one thing, but all these chickens screeching about an imminent predator is deafening). The coyote paid the noise no mind and kept on poking around down the back fence line. The ding-dong youngsters in the pen where I was decided there must be no reason for fear and came swarming back out to their yard.
The coyote was right there at their fence (I'm sitting against the coop wall in shadow and it hadn't noticed me). When it got as close as I could stand (and before it went out of my sightline), I said quietly "Good Puppy", and it disappeared just like it was never there --- jumped a deadfall and was gone without so much as a crunching of leaves or crackling brush. I could hear the Jays and squirrels marking the distance as it ran out of their space.
Pretty neat to me (in a good news, bad news kinda way), it was a beautiful animal.

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