cackle called about my order no delewares


15 Years
Jul 3, 2008
they said my order would be held up because the didnt have any delawares. i only wanted 6 and the said it would be april 17th at the earliest. so i got golden laced wyanndottes instead being shipped as scheduled on april 1st. bummer no dels. aso getting 15 cinnamon queens 10 white wyanndottes all pulletts
Don't feel too badly - I ordered my Dels Jan. 2nd - ship date - April 29th.

I ordered 15 pullets, though, - if you order straight run you get a quicker ship date.

They were good about calling on it, though, to let me know it got moved back. I also ordered 25 straight run Brahmas just a couple days ago - they'll be here before the Dellies will

It just depends on the breed ya get and if it's st. run or pullets.
yeah i put this order in febuary 27th for a april ship date so oh well kinda had afeeling about the dels i talked to sandy from cackle she said they wernt hatching good.
When did you order? I ordered yesterday, and they supposedly have a hatch every Tuesday and Thursday...I ordered 5 of each: buff orps, black australorps, NH reds, ameraucanas, and barred rock. This is my first online chicken order (and my first experience raising chickens), and this was the only online site that didn't specify that there was no availability. I'm 37 weeks pregnant, and hoping to get them this week or I'll wait (sadly) until mid-May. Peep raising is my job, coop building is his job, so if I'm not here, problem....

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