Cackle Hatchery says my order is pushed back.

Guinea Goonie

Roosting Elsewhere
12 Years
Sep 2, 2008
Peace Valley in Howell County Missouri
I just got a call from the local feed store. They told me that Cackle will not have my order until April 26 now. I am bummed.

I ordered:

Moulted Houdans
Partridge Rocks
Speckled Sussex
Saipan Jungle
Red shoulder Yokahoma
and Lakenvelter

5 of each and a few are pullet runs.

Chicks must be really going quickly as i am sure I am low on the totem pole.

The wife is at the local auction and she just called.

They are selling layer hens for over 10 bucks apiece and some
are bringing 15 bucks and up.

I had a hard time getting my order of chicks last year. Same deal. Ordered through the local farm store and Cackle kept pushing it back or sending partial orders. I finally got all but 2 of what I ordered near the end of April. This year, I just ordered right from Cackle.
With my order with Cackle I have to wait ten weeks. Now I'm down to 8 weeks. My order consist of 25 Americaunas,50 heavy assorted pullets,5 brown leghorns, 5splash cochins, 5 partridge rocks and 5 royal palm turkeys.

This is the longest I have ever had to wait on an order but I'm sure it will be worth it.
cackle called me today and said the delawares i ordered are holding up my order. and it would be april 17th at the earliest for more dels. so im getting golden wyandottes instead that way my order will ship out on april 1st as planned . im getting 15 cinnamon queens 10 white wyandottes and 5 0r 6 golden laced wyandottes bummer no dels this time been waiting since feb27th so not waiting 2 more weeks.
Hey Blueseal

I will trade you 3 of my delawares for 3 of the golden laced wyandottes.

sound like a deal to me when will you be getting your dels they are pullets correct.
Hey Blueseal

I will trade you 3 of my delawares for 3 of the golden laced wyandottes.

sound like a deal to me when will you be getting your dels they are pullets correct.

Yep, pullets and they are shipping on Tuesday the 31st so they'll probably be here Wednesday. Hope there won't be any April Fools jokes with my babies.
Replied to your email.
sound like a deal to me when will you be getting your dels they are pullets correct.

Yep, pullets and they are shipping on Tuesday the 31st so they'll probably be here Wednesday. Hope there won't be any April Fools jokes with my babies.
Replied to your email.

no april fools i agree i emailed you back.

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