Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

So I search for a thread about Cackle Hatchery to see what kind of reputation they have, start reading, and it looks like everyone is pleased. I love the website they have, and just ordered a catalog. I have over 200 birds sitting in my cart right now (mostly meaties), just wanted to confirm that they are the real deal.

Now I read about this surprise grab bag and want one of them.

I was able to pass this by on their website, but coming here really makes me want to order one. Doh! Thanks for the help guys!
For those of you who have gotten this bargain, what kind of brooder set up did you have?

Did you have a couple large brooders? One? What did you do about turkeys and waterfowl with the chickens?

We've got a large brooder that should be able to handle 40 chicks, but I'll need to get building another one if the turkeys and waterfowl will potentially be a problem. I'm probably going to build one anyhow since I assume they will get too big too fast. I'll get something nice built, and then not get any turkeys or geese!
My plan: Mine all get brooded outside. I have an eco-glow brooder, a heat lamp and a couple of seedling heat mats I use for warmth.

I have a 6*8 hoop house covered in wire and a tarp. I'll divide it with chicken wire and put the chickens and turkey and waterfowl in separate sections once they get slightly bigger.
My plan: Mine all get brooded outside. I have an eco-glow brooder, a heat lamp and a couple of seedling heat mats I use for warmth.

I have one on backorder that I'm very excited to try--if it ever gets shipped. I'm only getting the 20, but might end up getting two, or I'll have to resort to a heat lamp. The brooder will be in an unheated shed (also where the coop is) which is the main reason I'm waiting until April to get the birds--I've read that the Eco-Glows don't work so well if it's too cold.

What is your experience with how many birds the Eco-Glow can effectively brood and for how long?

My dilemma with this "Hatchery Surprise" is that I have no idea how many birds I might end up with! Fortunately I'm already set up to raise 40 for at least the first few weeks--I'd have to make a bigger grow-out pen if I end up with that many that I keep.
I have the 20, and it was pretty crowded with 25 chicks. Outside if it gets really cold I put the seedling heat mat under the eco-glow and it works really well. My Mr. doesn't like using the heatlamps because of the fire risk, but since they're going to be outside, I might need to use one for the ducks and Turkeys.

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