Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

Just kind of odd because I said "Do you have any turkeys right now?" She said "No."
Maybe it depends of the mood of the one filling the box. I believe this boxes are big and have a few compartments so they divide the poultry but if they ship only 1 or 2 geese they are not going to leave them alone in one compartment I think. Last time I ordered chicks, turkeys and ducks and they had the turkeys and chicks together and the ducks in another compartment. But if they are only shipping 1 or 2 waterfowl it should not do any difference.
34 pounds of

I already have like 30 one month old chicks. Lets see what I get in 16 pounds of poultry. I have no interest in ducks, game fowl or bantams. I requested if available meat chickens so maybe they just filled the box with all the males they had . If available, I requested geese, turkeys and meat I'm at the what if stage....what if I get a box full of ducks, what if I get a box of males, what if I get a box full of....
I should stop doing that. I'll know for sure in a few days
lol. Yeah, I was thinking "man, I hope I don't get a bunch of bantams like somebody said they did". At the weight it says I am guessing not.
WOW....I was thinking I had many chicks in my plate but you made me reconsider.
I have another order coming this week with geese and ducks (ducks are for my dad). I was planning to order 10 geese but ordered 6 just in case this surprise box included geese.
I'm guessing too I dont get bantams. Thanks for that!!!!! And I'm guessing big poultry like ducks or geese...One of the last orders here was 7 pounds and she got almost 50 birds. So with 16 pounds in my case ...I should prepare for many more.
You have double my order so please take a picture as you get them....I want to see how 34 pounds of birds look likee
will do. I am interested to see what is in there. And hope some can help identify what I have, because I will be totally clueless. I have only raised two kinds of chickens, so I am venturing into new territory with this special and my other orders.
Got mine this morning. Part of my weight was the fact of a second box. I will post more pics later, Can anybody tell me what this is? I got at least five of them. I got the waterfowl special as well with this, which is 4 geese 6 ducks, I must have gotten 10 rouen ducks.

After my specific waterfowl order the mystery gave me about 35 chicks 5 Rouen ducks. What has feathered feet except Cochin? I have about five of them. How do you tell if you have bantamchicks excessively small? No turkeys that I see.



4.Barred rock?






Black bird, beak, one white spot on upper breast/lower neck area, dark brown to black feet with a middle yellowish toe???



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