Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

They are finally here. 56 alive and 1 dead on arrival. Three ducks and three turkens, the rest chickens. I got the ducks I wanted yay. I dont see any turkeys
They are finally here. 56 alive and 1 dead on arrival. Three ducks and three turkens, the rest chickens. I got the ducks I wanted yay. I dont see any turkeys

Wait, "three turkens, the rest chickens." So, three turkeys or turkens?

Man... I'm so tempted to order again, despite saying I wouldn't again. Can't decide between this and the "Happy Cackle" now.
Wait, "three turkens, the rest chickens." So, three turkeys or turkens?

Man... I'm so tempted to order again, despite saying I wouldn't again. Can't decide between this and the "Happy Cackle" now.
My husband would kill me with the "Happy Cackle" but I am thinking of ordering another surprise. Simply because almost all of these chicks are spoken for (only keeping a couple).
They are finally here. 56 alive and 1 dead on arrival. Three ducks and three turkens, the rest chickens. I got the ducks I wanted yay. I dont see any turkeys

Turkens, also known as Naked Necks, are a breed of chicken. They just look funny.

It seems you received a lot, plus the ducks. That's great.
Looking through some of the hatcheries specials I came across Cackle Hatchery's Hatchery Surprise. It is 39.95. Below is what I copied and pasted below. My question is- Has anybody got this assortment before and is it really a bargain? Also has anyone ordered from Cackle before. Would like some feedback from those who have . It doesn't make clear what kind of birds and was wondering if this possibley includes ducks and geese also.

Thanks - Wayne
Hatchery Surprise

Like Surprises?
No choice of kind or amount of birds but we guarantee a bargain.

Hatchery Choice are shipped at 1 day of age, the chicks arrive at your post office at 2-3 days of age
Breed Abbrv Group QTY Price
To Purchase
Hatchery Surprise Hatchery Choice 1


Do they still have this? I can't find it, or did I miss out! 0.0 :)
I recieved 56 including ducks and turkens. 3 ducks look like khaki campbells and the hairless neck turkens. I have one that isnt doing so well I think its called splyed legs

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