Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

I've been ordering chicks for three yrs now and every time I become a nervous wreck and it gets worse until you are holding the birds in your hand then you want to order more... At least I do lol

I am totally on the same page as you & I have been ordering and hatching chicks for over 30 years now! lol :)
i talked to cackle a little while ago and they said that the surprise boxes are backed into march so if im not able to get them ordered in feb they will prolly be backed into april by the time i can order them >-<
Just ordered a surprise box. So excited...and here I thought the free rare chick from McMurray was exciting!! Hoping for at least a couple ducks but really just excited to add more chicks to my free-range flock now that I've penned up my purebreds for breeding. Hoping they will ship soon but we'll see :D
I am incubating my first batch of eggs from the hens from my cackle surprise box. I got a EE hen, white austra hen , brown leghorn hen , to make a few

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