Cackle vs McMurray vs Ideal

I have always had great luck with My Pet Chicken when ordering different breeds and quanities from 3 chicks on up. Two to three days after the most recent hatch I 'll receive my chicks via U.S. Post Office. They also have replacement or credit if a chick doesn't make it (never happened to me; knock-knock).
I've ordered from all three at different times.
Favorite: Cackle always good luck with their birds, most seem to be close to the standard (not all).
Second choice: Murray McMurray, mostly good luck from their stock, shipping prices are far too high for my pocketbook. Might consider ordering from them again they have breed selections the other do not have.
Three choice: Ideal, just got in a order from them 2 weeks ago (Thursday 7-21-10), Ameraucanas (Easter Eggers actucally) have had good lu7ck with them. I have seen other breeds that were whipped to my brother from them, most of their birds will not measure up to or even very close to the standard.
I ordered 27 chicks from Cackle and they sent me 34. Two of them did not make it, but that is always expected. I am very pleased with my order, they also marked the ones I had sexed very well with either blue or purple markings
I've ordered from all three and several others over the years.

Ordered LOTS of chicks from Murray McMurray in the late 80's / early 90's but haven't ordered from them in several years.
Good customer service, highest prices & high shipping. On an order of 100 birds might lose 3-4, about average there on shipped birds. Had some very good stock back then, but have heard from many people that the quality has slipped in recent years. Chicks healthy & correct breed/variety. The "Free Exotic Chick" will always be a male.

Ordered several times from Ideal including one order of 100 just last month.
Great customer service, lowest prices & average shipping. On an order of 100 birds might lose 3-4, about average there on shipped birds. Chicks healthy & correct breed/variety. Some breeds/Varieties not up to standard (Some not even close) but very healthy and fine for people like me that don't show the birds and don't mind "Breeding up". My "Extras" have always been 3-4 extras of the breed(s) I had ordered, so no odd-ball suprises.

Only ordered a couple times from Cackle Hatchery, including 75 this past month.
Good customer service but sometimes hard to get on the phone, average prices & just a bit over average shipping. On an order of 100 birds might lose 3-4, about average on shipped birds. Chicks healthy & correct breed/variety. Some breeds/varieties not up to standard but some are very good breeder quality. Always seems to take a day longer to arrive, but no real problems. They did sub about 5 chicks of one of the breeds I ordered for a breed they were short of, not a problem, but I wasn't notified, just noticed it when I counted them as I put them in the brooder.

Also ordered this year from Welp, they should be in around the 12th of this month, first time from them. Anyone else ordered from them?

Sorry for the spelling, my spell-check's in bed.
I really don't want to run down any hatchery, there is something about the mail route that Mac Murry uses that imperils their shipments. My experience one shipment weak chicks, one shipment of very weak chicks, and one RE- shipment of very weak chicks. I love their catalog (that is what drawed me to make the orders). Yes, they are very good in making restitution, but did not have the heart ask for a 3rd shipment as most of chicks died within 3 days. I have been real pleased Meyers and Ideal. Meyers has better bargins. Ideal is close to home and I trust getting my chicks quickly. Far as I know, quality is OK with both hatcheries.
I have chickens from both places. I lost several chicks from my McMurray batch the first week I had them. We did have a cold spell though so I think it was from getting cold during shipping. The Cackle girls I got from a local feed store as that is where they get their chicks. I am pleased with how both have grown up. Of the 5 from Cackle (they are 18 weeks old) 4 are already laying.
Many years ago, we had a hatchery in town and I would just drive down to pick up some chicks. Then, the kids wanted some more variety for showing in 4H, and we went with McMurray. The kids got a lot of blue ribbons and even a Grand Champion from them. We have never had a DOA chick, but we would loose an occasional bird when they were 2-3 days old. I have always thought this is because that is when the yolk is used up and they have a defective digestive system. Out of the hundreds of birds we had gotten from them, I only had to dispatch one that was deformed. So, after no chickens for 15 years and no hatchery in town now, I went straight to McMurray to order again. We got about 150 birds, no DOA's, but 3 of the dark cornish died when they were about 6 weeks old. They had deformed beaks and couldn't eat enough, I guess. We did loose 3 birds on day 3. All birds were the correct type. They sent a few extra of the breeds I had picked. For the first time ever, my rare exotic is a RIR pullet. They did make some sexing mistakes, something that never happened to me in the past. I ordered some extra birds for my grandkids to keep as pets, and 3 of the "grandkid" chickens are cockerels.

I did not know of other hatcheries, and I'll probably try them, but I have been happy with McMurray.
I received mine today on 8/20 and they are great looking peeps also! I was VERY impressed and will definitely order again in the spring so far, everyone made it to my place alive and they are still going so I hope they continue on this way. I have an order coming in next week from Ideal, and I hope it is just as good. I ordered blue and black silkies from cackle and white silkies from ideal. I will let you know how the ideal order goes.
Never ordered birds from McMurray
I've ordered from several and the worst experience is from STROMBERGS!! I will never ever order another item from Strombergs even if they were the last place on earth!! Best experience is from My Pet Chicken.
I've only ever ordered from Murray mcMurray and here was my experience ...

first batch was sent to the post office where my credit card bills were mailed to, which was 6 hours away, so I had to PAY a humane society to pick them up

second batch came, half were dead or dying.

third batch with replacements came, half were all easter egger roosters which I didn't know for 3 months ... do you know how much food it takes to raise 20 roos where you then have to cull?

Needless to say I was NOT happy, I am "owed" replacements for the roos as I had not ordered any straight run or roos in any of the orders I placed, but I just haven't been able to work myself to taking them up on the offer of replacements ... hmmm I wonder if they will substitute ducklings?? Might be worth a phone call!

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