California - Northern

When can I put my chicks on all pourpose feed instead of chick starter?

Hens should go onto layer when they start laying. Cockerels should move to grower but it is hard to say exactly when because of the different brands. Some sell starter\grower and some make them both the same but make the crumbles smaller for the starter.

Read the instructions for the feed you are using.

Remember, Rooster are not supposed to have as much calcium as is in most layer feeds.
When can I put my chicks on all pourpose feed instead of chick starter?
Since I am always adding young birds to my adult flock, I feed all of my chicks/chickens Purina Flock Raiser. It is great for all phases of growth, maintenance and is safe for roosters. I offer oyster shell on the side.
OH MY GOSH that chick is killing me, it is so adorable. What type of chicken is it!? Will it have a little beard? (I was going to get some bearded bantams but my boyfriend said he thought they looked silly so we started out with Sebrights, but I think I might just have to find some bearded d'Anver or d'Uccle pullets to add to the coop, I just love fluffy cheeks!)

Fuzzant - SO CUTE THE FLUFFY CHEEKS (Fuzzant is what Clementine called Pheasants when she was little. Mark named the chick that for obvious reasons.)

Seriously it's so cute I can barely stand it.
today I built a pallet coop for the teenagers.
Started with a 6 x 2 bareroot tree pallet
70 bucks worth of stuff and there you go. I need to put a cap on the roof so a tarp for tonight.
I moved the chicks I got from Candy plus the Emp's and crele pene's I hatched in the 5x3 grow up pen. The Black Penedesenca and the 3 crele roosters I got back from Deb out in the brooder and guess what a olive egger just hatched and 3 more zipping .. of course the darker empordanesa and penedesenca nothing yet as they take longer it seems so no more mixing them in the bator

wow, so many chicks!!! such cuteness!! congratulations, jordan!!

and my goodness me: my broody Basque Eleanor is on day 14 of her nest (4 SFH eggs, one birchen marans, and two mutt eggs) and SPPR Frances that followed her is on day 6 (12 araucanas + one mutt), still both hunkered down & determined -- and now two ADDITIONAL girls (Daisy the australorp and Speedy the crested CL) have gone broody, the two of them both crammed into a single nestbox next to the other two, and sitting on two fake eggs between them.

my most immediate question here is, is there any worry with any of the broodies "stealing" the chicks from the first two once they hatch? i.e. if i start the new two on some eggs, will they stick with them or will they try to short-cut to being moms once the first two clutches hatch?

and the secondary question is, who has hatching eggs that's within an hour or so of sonoma county? i'd love to try some more dark-eggers, since only one birchen marans egg has survived my neighbor's caretaking while i was out of town -- but am not sure who besides Deann might be nearby enough to get eggs on a school afternoon/evening -- i've got classes/meetings til at least 3 or 4 every day this week except thursday, which limits how far i can drive, but i'd love to get some more interesting breeds to try under these girls, if i can. Deann, have you got any hatching eggs available? anyone else nearby to Petaluma-ish?

kind of going crazy with this bounty of broodies -- it MUST be springtime!!
I will be in novato Tuesday and can bring some marans eggs, but I don't know how many I'll have. I have one now and will Ge 1-2 tomorrow. I could have a few bresse eggs too but the are pullet eggs .
Haven't posted in a while but I thought I would update anyway :) TONS of fun stuff going on here.

I found out I am intolerant of duck eggs. Traded my trio of Cayuga and my beige mutt duck for 3, seven month old hens (Silver wyandotte and 2 australorps), as well as 6 young pullets. One is a Swedish flower, the rest are Maran/EE/OE/Swedish flower mixes. I am now up to 23 birds. None have laid anything for 2 weeks now. One RIR laid about 10 eggs steady but quit, I got one egg from the Black sumatra, and my steady eddy blue girl quit as well. Not sure whats up because they are all fat and healthy, free ranging and enjoying life. Oh well :)

We also have 10 new additions...Kids!

We had 3 does kid this year. 3/23, 4/9 and 4/14. Triplets, Triplets and Quads!

Our 3/23 group, all doelings

Second group on 4/9, One doeling, 2 bucklings

And today! Quads! 2 bucklings, 2 doelings.

3 very smooth kiddings and 10 very healthy kids!

I hope everyone is having a great spring!
Haven't posted in a while but I thought I would update anyway :) TONS of fun stuff going on here.

I found out I am intolerant of duck eggs. Traded my trio of Cayuga and my beige mutt duck for 3, seven month old hens (Silver wyandotte and 2 australorps), as well as 6 young pullets. One is a Swedish flower, the rest are Maran/EE/OE/Swedish flower mixes. I am now up to 23 birds. None have laid anything for 2 weeks now. One RIR laid about 10 eggs steady but quit, I got one egg from the Black sumatra, and my steady eddy blue girl quit as well. Not sure whats up because they are all fat and healthy, free ranging and enjoying life. Oh well :)

We also have 10 new additions...Kids!

We had 3 does kid this year. 3/23, 4/9 and 4/14. Triplets, Triplets and Quads!

Our 3/23 group, all doelings

Second group on 4/9, One doeling, 2 bucklings

And today! Quads! 2 bucklings, 2 doelings.

3 very smooth kiddings and 10 very healthy kids!

I hope everyone is having a great spring!
awe super cute
Urgent help needed!!*********

Ok, Ruby, my RIR that I thought had a broken wing--- well, I took her out & unwrapped her because her legs still don't seem strong. She let both wings out with ease, but her right leg is pretty limp & when I try to put it under her she falls forward :( The other leg is fine. The right leg is flacid. I can't see any trauma or feel anything that doesn't feel right. I took her out & have her ina crate in the garage. She's been eating well, but what now??? How do I splint her leg the correct way?? She's so sweet. I want to help her!!
Baby goats are so cute I'm almost tempted, then I remember how much trouble I have keeping chickens out of our veggie beds.

Adorable chicks Deerling.

I was hoping for a broody but so far no luck since I want one.

Good job on the build Hangtown. I've got a few to build in the near future.

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