California - Northern

woohoo for plastic eggs!

19  bresse  double boxed in a medium flat rate, could ahve done 2 .5 dz silkie serema easy!!!!

I liked them so much i might look for more of the huge size. It is safer for long hauls where the boxes get punted if they are on a mega pallet.
Hitting the After Easter Sales?
Most likely a red Silkie. Or it could be a very dark buff.

I was looking through the SOP this morning and mottled was the closest they listed for OEGB's, had me wondering if you had a seabright with the wrong comb type.
That must have been what I was looking at. I think I googled OEGB colors.

yes dark buff, or red buff. they are hard to get consistently! Some prefer them, but they are not as good for showing. great for breeding color into paris .

Im still guessing the bantam is a seabright with the wrong comb, not an oegb. I think the oegbs are too rare to see in a feed bin in that color.
I've been looking it up a bit, and I don't know how you would even be able to tell the difference between a Silver laced OEGB, and a SL Sebright. The comb is the only sure difference so far. He doesn't have the clean lines and bright feathers the sebright pictures show, but since he's from a hatchery (Ideal) who knows?? He also doesn't have the super creepy sebright eyes.....

I feel like they stare into your soul.

So my shipment of 20 Project Mottled Ameruacana eggs has not gone very well.
I don't know if they had rough handling by the PO or what happened. Of the 20 eggs, 12 did not even start to develop. 3 showed only a spot of blood when I opened them. That left 5 in the incubator as of the 20th.....all of them with saddle air cells. Friday was lockdown and I candled them...2 more quitters. Only 3 that appear still viable. I traced the air cell on them. I am assuming they need to be set with the low part of the cell that correct? Here is a shot of the air cells ans the way they are positioned in the hatcher.

So my shipment of 20 Project Mottled Ameruacana eggs has not gone very well.
I don't know if they had rough handling by the PO or what happened. Of the 20 eggs, 12 did not even start to develop. 3 showed only a spot of blood when I opened them. That left 5 in the incubator as of the 20th.....all of them with saddle air cells. Friday was lockdown and I candled them...2 more quitters. Only 3 that appear still viable. I traced the air cell on them. I am assuming they need to be set with the low part of the cell that correct? Here is a shot of the air cells ans the way they are positioned in the hatcher.

I always do the low part up. I'll think good hatching thoughts for you!!!
Thank you! I really want at least a couple from these eggs..... Thanks for the good thought! All of my other eggs are doing very well. I now have 6 runner ducks, 3 guineas, 17 Ameraucana crosses and BCMs, plus 6 meat birds all hatched since last weekend. But, of course, the ones I most want to hatch are the ones I am having problems with......
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So my shipment of 20 Project Mottled Ameruacana eggs has not gone very well.
I don't know if they had rough handling by the PO or what happened. Of the 20 eggs, 12 did not even start to develop. 3 showed only a spot of blood when I opened them. That left 5 in the incubator as of the 20th.....all of them with saddle air cells. Friday was lockdown and I candled them...2 more quitters. Only 3 that appear still viable. I traced the air cell on them. I am assuming they need to be set with the low part of the cell that correct? Here is a shot of the air cells ans the way they are positioned in the hatcher.

Those eggs came for the LA area? It is odd that they had such damage. I bet they did not use the Skyline of Wisher1000 packing method. It is sad--Packing differently can make a huge difference.
Silver Seabrights should have dark horn beak, legs should be slate blue and purple red or turquoise earlobes.
I was just gonna ask... I stand corrected, mine must be a Seabright because she *does* have blue ears. Will stiil get some pictures just for grins.


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