California - Northern

Yes...from San Diego. I have had them come from much further away and look much better than these. In fact these are the first ones I have every had with mis-shapen cells. They were in 2 egg cartons ahortened to hold

Yes, poorly packed eggs. Sorry, it is hard to convince people of that because they sell them in stores in egg cartons. Did you ever wonder why the checker looks at the eggs to make sure none of the are broken? And those eggs are shipped on pallets inside refrigerated trucks. They are not dropped 6 feet and then have other boxes dropped on them.

Those eggs are like that because of poor packing. Sadly many will blame the USPS.
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Silver Seabrights should have dark horn beak, legs should be slate blue and purple red or turquoise earlobes.
I was just gonna ask... I stand corrected, mine must be a Seabright because she *does* have blue ears. Will stiil get some pictures just for grins.

Okay mine has slate legs, yellow beak, and the earlobes look, ummm, skin color. I don't know, does ear color come in later? I haven't looked on the Ideal site in the last week or so, but several weeks ago when I was first trying to figure out what he is.
Not sure how that got sent before I was done typing... It was supposed to read: They were in 2 egg cartons ahortened to hold 10 eggs each. Each of them was wrapped in bubble wrap. It was double boxed and the box was in good shape when it arrived.. The first shipment was 12 eggs in 1 carton and one of the eggs on the end was badly cracked. I had better luck with them. I had a 50% hatch rate with those.
Not sure how that got sent before I was done typing... It was supposed to read: They were in 2 egg cartons ahortened to hold 10 eggs each. Each of them was wrapped in bubble wrap. It was double boxed and the box was in good shape when it arrived.. The first shipment was 12 eggs in 1 carton and one of the eggs on the end was badly cracked. I had better luck with them. I had a 50% hatch rate with those.

The egg cartons do not allow the eggs to individually adjust to shock. The egg cartons also concentrate the stress. It is not a good way to ship them. The burrito packing method suspends each egg in the middle of the box and they can go up and down as necessary. Pressure is not concentrated on any one place either.

Your eggs would not be like they are if the eggs were packed using the skyline method. Still, even with the great egg shipping experiment and the results there, people still think bubble wrapping and setting in an egg carton is better.

The website was down last time I checked but skyline tried different packing methods and his method had the best results. There was a video of his son tossing the eggs up as high as he could and letting them hit the cement. The eggs were not cracked or broken.
Okay mine has slate legs, yellow beak, and the earlobes look, ummm, skin color.  I don't know, does ear color come in later?   I haven't looked on the Ideal site in the last week or so, but several weeks ago when I was first trying to figure out what he is.  
It's great fun trying to figure out what grew out of the mixed bantam bins. The ear!obes on our Dutch Bantam took a while to turn white and I would have sworn the comb on our ORP was going to be gypsy, it's red now.
Ron thanks for the eggs today. I never got ahold of Debra again for the Brown Reds. Ohwell. I am going to trade more Crele eggs with Jerry Segler and he is going to send me some.

It was good seeing you today!

The trip was nice and easy too. I am so happy that I get to avoid the big hwy 50 repair mess. Sorry for those that have to commute that way each day.

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